I am hugely curious about Birth Control side effects. Please serve!?

I was researching birth control and I looked-for to ask women with experience in the region of the side effects of Birth Control. I read about freight gain and depression. I don't want either of these. I also hear about nausea and irregular period. These side effects scare me hugely much and I was in recent times curious about how adjectives these side effects are. I really want to use Birth Control when I start having a sex natural life but I fear the side effects. Please bring up to date me about your experiences next to birth control and the side effects. Also, if you will, give some suggestions of types of Birth Control that enjoy the least side effects. Thank you especially much!

I just get a result about my liver panal anyone below normal what does that miserable?

Birth control pill: These have the GOOD side effect of making your period much lighter, and also can help clear up your skin if you enjoy problems with acne. The fruitless news is that the pill can explanation you to gain weight, retain wet, and can have some serious side effects approaching blood clots if you are older (over 35) and smoke. Also, some robustness insurance plans do NOT cover the pill and some brands can be quite costly!

IUD: No hormonal side effects, unless you use the journal with hormones and after the effects are pretty mild. Disadvantages: You need to see your OB/GYN to achieve it inserted, which causes some cramping. Also, the IUD tend to make your period last longer and draw from MUCH heavier, so this probably isn't for you if you already have unpromising periods.

Condoms/Creams/Jellies: These are adjectives available over the counter, and are relatively inexpensive and free of side effects. The major disadvantage is that creams/jellies are messy, and condoms can--um--kind of interfere next to his sensations. Also, none of these are super-effective forms of birth control, with disappointment rates ranging from 20-30%. Probably not a appropriate choice if you REALLY don't want to get pregnant.

It have been a while since I've have to deal next to birth control (had my tubes tied up 7 yrs ago), but the newer lower dose pills are pretty good from reports I hold heard from users...I own not heard any of them complain more or less weight gain or depression, and also enjoy not heard the nausea complaint.

I have a LOT of problems with hormonal birth control (used the Lo-Ovral pill/Depo-Provera shot) and concluded up gaining 15 pounds on the Lo-Ovral...and climax up being a grouch adjectives month long with no sex drive and a short anger...

I did use the IUD as well, which I like better but unfortunately because my uterus is tipped, did not stay surrounded by and I had to travel back several times per year to bring back a new on inserted.

Honestly, the best form of BC that I enjoy used is my current one...had my tubes tied up after my daughter be born. No side effects, no chance of pregnancy.

Your best bet is to start researching some of the methods you are interested in online, and afterwards ask your doctor about them.

My sister (who's comparatively a bit younger than I) uses the Nuva ring, and is very blissful with it.

Girl's I involve a little lend a hand even though I'm embarrased to ask?

I have be on bc for 3 months. I really don't have any side effects, except for doomed to failure cramping on the first day of my time of year. The first month I also felt a touch bit of nausea in the mornings. I cart Femcon Fe, the new chewable bc pill. I am tremendously happy next to it.

Mk,*embarrased*can any girls help me?

the munificent of bc with the smallest amount of side effects is the low dose lowest amount of hormone pill. Ask your doctor for brand/generic names, but most importantly you want to see ur doctor, so that he/she can prescribe you the type best for you- with minimal side effects. I am on a low dose low hormone pill and its fine, i do perceive the urge to snack a bit, but other than that, great. My term are short and PAINLESS> i love it.

Are my tension headache due to stress? dehydration? or my menstrual cycle?

every woman and every pill is different,,the nausea and irregular is usually the first couple of months till your body regulates to it. i have have no weight gain or depression. when i first started near the pill i had to try several different ones till i hit the one that be right for me. there are frequent many pills out at hand and you and your dr can choose which should be the best for you. with my pill i hold very markedly light if no time of year at all, no cramps, no bloat, no nought. one little perk of the pill is you can sometimes skip a period (for leave, wedding, etc).

Lady Flow have brought a guest (womens health)?

I started using BC about 3 years ago and i be moody and depressed all the time so i switched my pill and the unsullied one im on (YAZ) is great!! I cant even tell im on anything it help my cramps and i know exactly what day i will start my length!! My sister had to try 4 different pills past she found one that did not bother her,talk to your doctor they can oblige you find a good one! Good luck

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