Are my tension headache due to stress? dehydration? or my menstrual cycle?

I have be suffering prolonged tension headache and feeling fatigued for a few weeks very soon. I have be working extra hours at work and i probably havent been drinking adequate fluids. I have not be able to concentrate and own felt hot but my obverse is pale. There have been a definate regulation in my flair at work which colleagues have notice but I wouldnt take time past its sell-by date work. My G.P has advise rest, drinking alot more fluids and a week off work. This is helping to trim down the amount of pain around my eyes, it almost feel like a headband of stiffness, but i still dont feel myself. I didnt mention to my G.P that I hold taken two packs of my contraceptive pill (microgynon) fund to back near no break. Could this be contributing to my headaches? I am 35 yrs and am a smoker, Any warning would be welcome. Thankyou.

Any lo-ovral feedback?

Firstly, you shouldn't smoke when you're on OCP. OCPs are infamous to cause migraines & if you're have a prolonged one, then it's advisable to correction to another form of contraception. The headaches might be due to the stress or dehydration as in good health. Stop the OCP first & let your menses come. If this doesn't stop after your menses, after take a break & hold sufficient fluids daily. If this doesn't work out as powerfully, please consult your GP again & get a CT scan for your guide.

Breast enlargement system?

well for one if you quit smoking you will across the world feel better, circulation get better, your skin becomes more brilliant and tension headache may even subside but yes you can get stiffness headaches due to adjectives the factors you hold listed such as stress.dehydration, hormonal fluctuations etc etc..

Reg. Nurse

Why dont my extent dont return ?

Hi, what i feel from your details is that you might be suffering from migraine, i option this is not true. do consult a good headache doctor and make available him all the description to him clearly. god bless and devout luck.

My clitorus has be itchy for a few weeks now, nearby is no sign of a problem & it's only within?

It could be all three. If you don't approaching drinking plain old water
try some of the flavored waters or add on flavoring like
lemons, limes, oranges etc. Chamomile tea is good
for stress.


You have a a bit complex symptom mpattern . It is hard to telll your prognosis . Of course Indont hav to talk you on the smoking do i causes roughly thirty illnesses
I think you know how to cure yourself win away from the stess at work they shouldnt be working you so hard but isnt this England in07

Get the doctor to check thyriod level even if you are borderline you must insist that furtherincvestigations take place . Iron defficiency lways a pious thing surrounded by a woman to check .
Also make sure your VIt Bs are upto par Contraceptives can rob you of this vit and Zinc unsurprisingly .
Plenty of pottasim rich vegetables also make yourself a lovely veg soup and put surrounded by a dash of cider vinegar delectable and it does you good !!

Help!! my spell.?

Headaches can be caused by minor problems
resembling eyestrain, lack of coffee or more serious reason
like chief injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can
have unfavourable side effects, so it is better to
modify your lifestyle. More information available at

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