My per-iod girls singular?

ok so i play sports and i love to go swimming but i cant do that unless i wear a tampon and im really terrified to put it in only in valise it gets stuck or i put it within wrong is there any direction to help me out wreak im really nervice to do it

Can this be life threaning?

Relax...If you are tense its going to be alot harder!Get you mom or another female that you trust to aid you.

Check out this website

This site will answer alot of you questions!

Stinging Boobs, Ouch!?

ask someone u trust to show u how to

Whats wrong next to me?

well it cant really get lost or stuck. unless u hold sex. i went swimming when i have my period. never disappeared the water pink! lol i guess it would be fine newly ask a dr. to make sure its ok...
bu the mode how old r u ? i never really used a tampon till i was17. and that was 6 yrs ago..

Endometriosis press?

I personally havent have my period nonetheless but i think im prepared for the tampons an d ive knowledgeable alot and got right advice bad of

so all i knw is dont b affraid, relax, and accomplish it if not u never will

Why didnt i get my peroid this month?

It's ok to be edgy BUT you have to relax otherwise it will not jump in correctly. Read the directions that come next to the tampons and just generate sure you don't leave it contained by longer than directed. It won't get stuck! It will fashion playing sports and swimming so much more enjoyful.

Boobs too soon?

when I was a virgin as a kid I couldnt wear them because they never feel right or comfortable in nearby so I didnt get to step swimming with freinds, I regard it was because of my cherry or mucous membrane that prevented it from going in the path it was suppose to, and thats commonplace, it wasnt until after sex that I could wear one, and I am not encouraging sex, dont get me wrong, but it wont capture stuck or lost, thats why they have a string, I would suggest using tampax pearl to try it out at first because they hold a rounded soft tip and string that is long plenty to where you shouldnt own anything to worry give or take a few and the instructions are on the box, if it doesnt feel right or comfortable, approaching it is coming out when you walk or you can have a feeling it poking back out next it isnt in right and you may not be competent to wear them, talk to your Mom if you can around it, good luck

Is it true that vinegar or anything else for that situation can stop menstral flow?

Try to start with a lighter absorbancy (smaller) and a plastic applicator (easier than cardboard) It won't achieve stuck and just read the directions and relax. When you hold it in you should narrowly feel it and be comfortable, save then help yourself to it out and try again later. I'm pretty sure everyone be nervous the first time ( I know I was). Good luck.

The full of my ** is so small what i should do.?

I think it dangerousto put on a tampon because I guide it might get stuck if you put it within its scary! So keep on till its over!

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