How do you straightforwardness cramps?


Irregular periods that closing for weeks?

A heating wad is nice. There are also new herald pads you can strap around your waist so you can be out and just about and nobody will know its there. If you can't cart alieve (which I find helps a lot). If you own bad cramps and every time, you might want to see your doctor. But conventional cramping I find nothing better than a heat pad and alieve. Some say aloud Midol, but that's never worked for me. Good luck! & I'm so sorry.

Pregnant or not?

with somethg warm or a towel beside vinegar on my stomach

I'm 39 and have generous uterine fibroids. My OB/GYN says I stipulation a hysterectomy. Any natural ways to cure this?

ThermaCare fry pads work REALLY accurate. you just stick them to your lower stomach and they'll stay hot for in the region of 8 hours and it makes your cramps progress away. also i've found that Midol Teen Formula works better than any other medicine.

Weird soft spot in my mouth clear and white discharge numbness of hand?

ibuprofen works wonders and the same near a heating wipe and resting if they are terrible.

Can squeezing and messing beside a women's breast during act's of sexual adventurism result in breast cancer?

It always help me to take some aspirin/Tylenol or something similar to that, get within a hot bath, and later get within bed, or in a relciner, etc. near a heating wipe.

I hope you feel better soon!

Do u dream up every1 likes u?

Sit ups usually work for me.
But my doctor told me to try this. A few days formerly my period begin or when the signs come up that it's starting, starting taking Advil to prevent the cramps in the first place.


Just don't panic. Try to breath within long, deep even breaths. try and hike. If you can't then don't. this other works for me.

Why is it that I can't go even after overdosing laxatives?

i usually curl up in a bubble on my bed or couch and rock myself...or if u shake your leg when it's near your stomache, that help me...and i heard that chocolate any help w/ bloating or cramps

I finally started my length a month late and it solitary lasted 2 days, whats wrong near me?

with sit-ups! It really helps me!

Hello adjectives, does anyone know if there is a herb that can speed up a hypo (slow) thyroid?

yoga help me...some basic stretching..

Breast improvement?

Regular exercise and ibuprofen.

13 and back strain?

Supposedly bananas do, but I never seem to enjoy them around when I have cramps.

BAD vertebrae pain during period?

Rub some vapourizer over your tummy.It's like it literally sucks out the dull pain.Results within 2-3 minutes.

Hai is here anyone who could tell me abt the problem i'm facing,i'm pco tolerant so after getting my periods

Try raspberry leaf tea or pills. I have severe cramps when I was younger and raspberry other worked. The woman that told me about this in actuality used raspberry supplements instead of an epidural when she had her babe-in-arms.

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