Signs of a cancerous knot surrounded by your breast?

I found a knot contained by my left breast and I'm not sure if it is cancerous or not. I am over substance and have have a cyst removed before. This know feel different though. It is kind of tender if I press squeeze it? Any thoughts?

Could I be pregnant?or stressed out?

Your best bet would be to draw from it checked by a doctor and/or get a mammogram. I have a similiar problem in my vanished breast at a pre-mammogram screening. It turned out to be fatty tissue/nodes as I am overweight also. It was tender to the touch. I be scared until the results of the mammogram and ultrasound come back, which they carry out if you have suspicious lumps. Now I am diligent to perform self breast exams monthly. Good luck.

I hold a period interview?

my though would be for you to get a mammogram to alleviate your mind about what it is=then be in motion from there

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The only mode to know if it cancer or not is to go for a mammogram and/or own it biopsied.

No period w/ the nuvaring?

Check it out right now. I never felt a lump and i have breast cancer.

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typically cancerous lumps are non hurting, but there are other exceptions. you should see your doctor and have a mammogram to be sure.

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