Could I hold POCS?

A friend of mine has pocs, and she think I might have it as capably... Because it took my hubby and I 2 1/2 years to have our daughter, plus I hold gained deeply of weight, and I am supper harry, and stormy... Plus my periods enjoy not been regular since I get engaged.. adjectives of these things started about the time I get engaged. Do you thinnk it is pocs? What other symtoms is in that?

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There are lots of things that can mete out or contribute to getting PCOS and NO it doesn' only develope surrounded by teen years. I didn't have it till I be 24 after I got a depo shot that really messed my system up.

Here are the symptoms:
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be cause by Insulin Resistance and may take the form of numerous symptoms, which rise and fall from woman to woman.

Weight Gain. Many women with PCOS gain freight around their abdomen, taking on an apple shape to some extent than a pear shape. Such weight gain is coupled with imbalance of glucose and insulin in the body.

Irregular Periods. Nine or few menstrual cycles per year may be a sign of PCOS. Bleeding may be heavier than normal. These conditions are cause because the ovaries are not producing hormones that keep the menstrual cycle regular.

Infertility. The glorious levels of excess insulin see with PCOS can stimulate the ovaries to produce huge amounts of the male hormone testosterone, which can possibly prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg respectively month, thus causing infertility. Because women beside PCOS don’t have regular menstrual cycles, oodles are unable to become pregnant. With facilitate, however, many PCOS sufferers conceive.

Hirsutism. This symptom cause excess hair, which can be difficult for plentiful women. For most PCOS sufferers, hair contained by the mustache and beard areas becomes heavier and dark. Masculine hair on the arms and leg is also possible, as capably as hair on belly, chest or back, together next to more growing in the pubic area. High level of male hormones (androgens) create this condition.

Thinning Hair. Just as heavier hair growth is possible, so is the type of curls thinning that many men experience. This is cause in women by greater levels of androgens.

Acne. Pimples and slimy skin can also bother women with PCOS. The acne is usually found around the frontage (especially along the jaw line), chest and backbone.

Other Skin Problems. Skin tags – gummy lumps of skin sometimes as large as raisins – can form as a result of PCOS. They are usually found in the armpits, at the bra procession or neck and can glibly be removed by a dermatologist. Darkening and thickening of the skin can also turn out around the neck, groin, underarms or skin folds. This condition, call Acanthosis Nigricans, is a sign of Insulin Resistance, the underlying cause of PCOS.

Depression and Anxiety. Many women next to PCOS may find themselves more anxious or depressed by their appearance or their inability to become pregnant. Depression can also be caused by hormone problems. Managing your PCOS symptoms may backing to relieve depression.

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See an Endocrinologist for diagnosis and treatment. They are specialists near PCOS and other hormonal disorders.

PCOS usually develops during the teens, not later contained by life. Your problem could be another hormonal disorder.

An Endocrinologist would know for sure.

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