Slight headaches and tiredness?

I am 18 and contained by the ultimate week i enjoy started getting slight headache. Often they're scarcely manifest, but once i start notice them i start worrying just about them, so i can guess they can individual return with worse from that. I procure them on and past its sell-by date through the year, some days not at adjectives, the smaller quantity i deliberate something like them the smaller number they're in that or manifest. I've also notice im tired alot at the moment, i seem to be to climb the stairs and am slightly puffing at the top. I get hold of satisfactory sleep though, and i dont own a problem getting out of bed on a morning, Im not completely influential any, due to an injured mitt, so im resting alot anyway. Im 18, and awaiting my A height results, so im doing nought, just about a stressful energy.

I be worried they be side effects from the contraceptive pill i started 5 weeks ago, but i never have it at the start. I dont use any other protection during sex, but my boyfriend hasnt ejaculate inside me nonetheless, and we hold just have sex twice surrounded by the concluding week. Any design?

Larger Breasts?

I would speak it is possibly stress/anxiety. You are waiting for your A'Level results to come out, which will pave your adjectives ahead. You may not give attention to that you are stressed but your sub-conscious may be thinking otherwise.

If you are worried, travel to see your doctor, but i bet once you receive your angelic results the solely headache you will hold will be your hangover from adjectives the celebrate!

Good luck!

do i hold ordinary nipples?!?

off to the GP for a check up next to you!

Girls just please!! [ Girl "Issue."]?

are you sure your not pregnant?
Your b/f doesnt in truth enjoy to ejaculate inside you for you to obtain pregnancy near is such a piece as 'pre-ejaculation'.
and if your using the withdrawl method during sex consequently permit me speak about you this is not affective at preventing pregnancy.
Also the pill is not 100% effective
I would do a exam only to check

My first symptoms of pregnancy be headache and tiredness!

What could bring these symptoms?

I would recommend going to see the doc a short time ago to permit him/her check you out.

You utter you are not lower than deeply of stress, but in truth you are, verbs anxiety roughly speaking your headache and your in anticipation of A horizontal results is stressful.

Trey to relax - to be exact make a contribution your mind a break regularly away from thoughts of concern if you can.

You could be getting puffed out because you hold deconditioned whilst resting from your injury. No motivation why you can't capture out for regular walk of an evening.

You help yourself to keeping, see your doc and right luck within your exams.

Can pre-seminal fluid return with you pregnant?

Could be the pill. Could be stress waiting for your results, could be a touch of anaemia, could be an nuts diet, could be a mild virus, it could be anything, your best bet is to book an appointment near your GP and put in the picture him exactly where on earth the headache are and when they come and how tired you have a feeling. He may run some test on your blood, or he may report you its a virus, contained by which armour impart it a few weeks and turn support. You are also at the reliable age to contract Glandular Fever, it could be a mild dose of that, which will show up contained by a blood question paper, however, no business how mild it is, you will really enjoy to run it effortless for a couple of months to allow your body to rest completely so you do not develop any post viral syndromes from it, see your doc, put your mind at rest, I am sure you hold nought to verbs almost, but carry it checked anyway. Good luck and God bless.

Can u bring back pregnant whilst get the merina coil fitted?

you could be slightly allergic to the oestrogen in the pill if it is a combined pill this could create you to be tired and bring back profusely of mild to severe headache. i would switch to a mini pill (POP) past the headache capture any worse. beside a mini pill you are covered inwardly 2 days.

I(girl) sleep exposed and that time i put cream within my clits(deep).is it ok . .to do so pls help out?

I deliberate you have need of to go and get yourself a post.
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