What is wrong beside me? Am I losing it?

I seem to be other in a fruitless mood and sick. Nobody can find what's wrong with me and I hold on to getting more depressed. I bite off everyone's head around me and I feel fruitless. What's wrong with me?

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economically, if your avatar is any indication, you have a newborn newborn? It takes a while for your hormones to dash up properly again, it has be 6 months since i had my daughter and I am a moment ago now attitude like myself again. If you are concerned that you hold post-partum depression I would contact your obgyn, you don't have to jump to counseling sessions, he will simply prescribe you an anti- depressant that should help you grasp back on track.if you are not the mother of a newborn and you are simply response blue, talk to someone, write your ambience down. communicate with your husband and agree to him know what's going on with you. try meditate for 30 minutes everyday, and if your not into that just spend an hour or so purely for yourself, shopping, getting a manicure, go for a amble, make some know friends by joining a book club or a club that is lately for something that you enjoy doing. start a girls dark out with your friends...i don't necessarily ponder that you need anti depressants, i ruminate that when you bring the focus back to you, and tolerate it stay there for a while things will unhurriedly fall subsidise into place. An unhappy woman lives within an unhappy house so if your husband oppose "you time" tell him to prepare to live the rest of his existence unhappy!! Start humanitarian about yourself...because your worth it!!

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I'm going to watch this ask because I'm the same path. I'm tired of griping my husband out and screaming at my pets for no reason.

Confussed almost wet dreams?

It sounds close to you're depressed. Go to your doctor and tell her or him your symptoms.


This should progress in mental vigour.It could be a variety of things-Bipolar, depression, or newly being plain grouchy... Or if you're immature it could be a sign of starting your period? Many women start PMSing right past they start their period..

Is it true??

try mona-vie its fitting for mental clarity you can get it here http://www.mymonavie.com/health4you/inde...

I own been told by a friend that men can relate straight away if you have your term. Is this true.?

OK i have be there and done that...i know how you perceive.my husband is a big vitamin freak (i am not , just for the record) but he get me taking a multi vitamin and some calcium with some magnesium..the two work together.i can honestly report to you that is have worked, i am much happier at home with my family circle and at work, i have notice a change-------try this take a multi vitamin every sunshine, calcium-2 a day until you can be aware of the change and later reduce it to every second sunshine and so on and so forth and the magnesium every 3 to 4 days.

let me know if this works for you...its probably a vitamin defect

Help? In shape out of shape!?


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