What's going on here

I just recently have my period. Anyways, I was just about 3 days late. The first day be light, the second was indigestible, same as the third. The fourth day was fluffy and bam, nothing else. I went through the full PMS process before my period. My grill is, yesterday as I was wiping, I notice some mucus/blood combo. along with a very small clot-looking entity. It was dark red and have a grey surrounding. It wasn't like an ordinary clot to me, since it didn't really basically fall apart (as most of my clots do). So, what's going on here? Why is that I'm getting that after a couple of days after my period. And why presently?:

Answers:    its alright really.
If you're new to ur periods, it will be out of the ordinary. even if you're not new to it. it can because of something that you're doing recently that are making the hormones kaput right. but its normal really. :)

The clot. that you used to is probably dried. i think really, you lately saw a fresh clot. so it hasnt dried enough to fall apart. :D
and it may also be a short time ago hormones acting up. usually. there may still discharge or something after your period which your body get rid of...soon after. to prepare for your next menstrual cycle. ;)

How do i know? well...my spell is acting up. since..ive only had it..approaching..three times. since the beginning of this year. T__T
but. my doctor says that its fine. and its nil major. :D
so. therefore. i dont suggest there's anything wrong with you at all! (=.
youre dying. It's lately one of those things.
I've had much, much worse.

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