Womens breasts?

Why is it that some women really slate others for having their breasts enlarged? I've hear women saying mean comments about bogus breasts when they have probably never even see or felt a couple! Is it purely jealousy or insecurity nearly their own bodies?

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probably resentment. It's a free world, people should know how to decide lacking criticism what changes they perceive they want/have to make to their own body. Both look obedient

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm breasts!

PLEASE OPEN!! gratitude?

This may sound unusual but maybe big breasts hide their stomach. Sort of make them look thinner.

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Why bother having lie ones? I would rather enjoy a woman with * approaching 2 aspirins on an ironing board than those awful beachballs.

My bust size is 28 inches.Then whats my cup size?

The reason some draw from concerned is because of the fact that they dream up that the other ones should be happy next to their natural size. And others are concerned because of the possible problems that can turn out from having that giving of surgery.

I'm also sure that for yet others it could hold to do with insecurity give or take a few their own bodies.

Doesn't make it right to criticize the others for doing it though.

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don,t bother something like it

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Yup they're are jealous and insecure. I know slightly a few people who hold gotten implants and yes abundantly of people complain roughly it but in the stop if it makes the being who got the increase happy and get the impression better who cares what anyone else think?

One of my friends neighbors got a boob opening and this woman decided to throw a huge Halloween participant themed bitches and hoes and my friend was complaining the with the sole purpose reason she be having the delegation was to show them sour. I told her if I paid that much for mine I'd be showing mine stale too!

Serious Help!?

Some women just prefer inborn breasts, I really like my small ones and would never consider have them enlarged, however I might have other plastic surgery. My friend have her breasts enlarged and since then she have grown bigger and bigger and now looks chubby all over. Large breasts are also ageing when you are over 60.

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I don't know the answer but the topic get me in right from the bring go... in a minute what was the grill ..


Oh yes... that's right... bigger.. short answer... it's a magnetic pasture...Now let me explain. suggest of your finger tips having ferrous metal surrounded by them.. now devise of breasts as magnets ... now hold your arms out and label that shape with your fingers... (men, you know you want to) . now shut your eyes. see! Bigger breasts... bigger charming field... it ain't rocket science but it is a irrefutable fact... bigger breasts attract more men. The answer is jealousy/envy cause by a competition for attention.

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it just seem like cheating. i be blessed naturally, but here are other things i was saddle with, ( the big breast come with big ) but to have a clad body with breast as expected appropriate, it seems a spend in dribs and drabs to get them bigger. they be paid ppl look heavier than they are and focus attention when it is not wanted. i know a material estate agent who had trouble showing property b/c guys thought she be selling something other than houses. ultimately she have to cover up and dress more matronly at work, something she did not have to do as a everyday breasted woman.

On period, but NO time pain?!?

I infer it may be because of the steriotypical image that be portrayed years ago in the medium that only slaggy women get their breast enlarged, because it only seem to be page 3 girls and the like who get the attention because of it.

Nowadays though, it can be for self esteem or medical purposes (as it can be for women getting their breasts reduced), but perhaps equal old planning are stuck in lots womens heads and they pitch everyone with duplicate brush.

For the record, I'm 100% untaught and would never dream of having the operation. A friend of mine feel her cousins after she'd had hers done (in a totally curious and none wierd passageway!), and she said it was approaching holding a knee! I similar to the idea of deceptive boobs because they are apparently pert constantly and you can wear nice little tops without a 'boulder-holder', but in opposition I'd be too nervous almost the health implication.

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Because those who get them enlarged touch they need to be bigger to any get a guy or to stop have people pick on them almost their size. It is a 100% vanity/self esteem issue.

I don't berate women for getting implants, but I do discern there are better things women could be putting that money to. I do try to convince folks wanting to go bigger than a full C cup to rethink their ruling, as sizes bigger than a C are usually asking for back cramp and other issues.

I was a inherent J cup and now I am a C cup and I can speak about you that big breasts aren't all that. You bring back treated like crap and you bring to a close up having robustness issues because of the size.

Also I know of many guys who abhorrence the feel and look of implant and would rather the women to be 100% unprocessed.

I don't think it is spite or insecurity. I think it is that some women be aware of that you shouldn't put foreign objects into your body in order to trade name you feel better just about yourself or to try to get a guy's attention. If a guy doesn't look at you because of the size of your chest he is totally not worth the time.


I envy individuals who have reduction, as i've been refuse one on the NHS.

I often wonder why family want larger ones but would never make judgements on them.

apart from Lolo Ferrari. They really be gross.

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I do believe it's greed and insecurity. Women are always checking out their competition and seeing how they determine up. However, there are some women who only just don't like the impression of breast implants.

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I don't know. i don't go around looking at other women's breasts,and unless they are ridiculously big resembling round balls, how would you really know if their encased within bras n tops.

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If the * are plastic, then the self will be as well

(I'm from the 'more than a handful is a waste' university of thought)

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Womens breasts?

Lovely aren't they! No matter what size they are.

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