Funny Nuvaring Question?

Have you ever read the auxillary labels on Nuvaring (those little 'handy hints'? It says to store surrounded by a cool dry place. ! Do they know where this product is going?? Not a cool dry place!


True adequate. But because of the method of delivery, the chemicals hold a better chance of staying at their topmost potency if they're stored in a cool environment.

And in truth, the BEST place of all to store the rings until you're in place to use them is in your refrigerator. No kid!

If you read the pharmacological pamphlet (most people don't), it tell the pharmacist to store them in a cooler at 34-40 degree until dispensed. Also, until used, they should never be exposed to heat variation of more than 20 degrees and should not be exposed to bake limits exceeding 86 degree.

How do I get rid of bumps around my pubic nouns?

I guess that is funny, but they probably tight before use (so that they can hold the hormones in them)... later once they get into the electric fire wet place they will release the hormones

Question: is this indigestion?

Whenever I have the nuvaring, I kept it in the box and in the foil-like packaging. Now, the doctor said I didn't own to keep it within a cold place, but i read the label too. Just to be on the not dangerous side, I always kept it contained by the fridge, and then almost 2 hours before i be going to use it, i'd let it sit out, but i'd hold it out of the box (still leave it wrapped within the foil). It usually warmed up to everyday temperature by after, and was fine by the time i needed it. At the doctor's organization and pharmacy, they keep them refridgerated.

I took plan b and i hold a question?

NuvaRing is a vaginal ring containing two
helpful components, a progestin, etonogestrel and an estrogen, ethinyl estradiol.
When placed in the vagina, each ring releases on average 0.120 mg/day of etonogestrel and 0.015 mg/day of ethinyl estradiol over a three week extent of use.

I assume the warmth of the "area" releases the needed components.

So keeping it cool and dry is a safeguard to keep everything in tact until use.

What are your thoughts on the HPV vaccine?

if you regard as about it, it is for storage. so it is potent for use.

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