Feelings after a miscarriage?

Hello everyone, I am looking for some advice please, I have a miscarriage on monday 9th July and was told by my gp that the bleeding will later 2-3 days, but I am still feeling restrained headed and nausea throughout the time, is this normal ? bear care everyone, Helen xx

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Your feelings of self lightheaded and dizzy are more than likely due to the increase blood loss. It is adjectives for somebody in your position to perceive slightly ill or lightheaded but you should be aware of merely how much blood your losing. Keep track of the number of pads you are using respectively day and if your symptoms achieve worse call your Dr. and permit her know. It should pass surrounded by a few days but you should be in bed resting and be sure to grasp some food in you.

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Omg I'm so sorry for your loss :(

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OMG i feel so sorry for you :(

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Oh I am so sorry for your loss. I have 2 miscarriages many years ago, and the mental state you are having are your body recitation you that you need to rest. And not for a couple of days any. You need to put your foot up, watch a few nice films, a big box of chocolates and a nice bottle of wine and rest rest rest. I did that and it take time, but you will be ok i am sure of that. Take the best care of yourself

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I had a miscarriage and bled heavily for more or less 4 days and light bleeding up until around the 10th time.
The nausea is probably down to the fact that your losing blood, and also freshly the trauma of the miscarriage.
If it is morning sickness then that should lessen off almost right away, but you did only miscarry on Monday, so I would not be too alarmed but the lightheadedness at this point.
Its a horrible entry to go through, so my thoughts are near you.
Take care

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I am so sorry this happened to you.
You own my sincerest condolences.
I don't know how to answer your question because I don't know anything around how you should feel.
But I hope you are alright and someday you will be content.
I'll pray for you and your little angel.

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Well, if you are losing like mad of blood then that's probably why you are attitude light head. The symptoms usually take a while to turn anyway. Did they do a scan or an internal to check that everything was ok?

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I am so fundamentally sorry to hear about you r loss. It's usual to feel this track for a few days..as long as the bleeding doesn't get really discouraging.
Make sure you relax a few days , do not get up on your foot any more than you need to. Take protection

Ok i think something is wrong beside me! please help?

Omg I'm so sorry for your loss
this entry will go by time


so sorry for your loss. this happen to me years ago ,and the baby misscarried within hospital where they kept me surrounded by for a few days. they dont do that now. isnt near someone who could look after your little girl while you rest? even if its only read out afternoons for a week or so , till you feel a bit better?Maybe a relative, neighbour or even a child minder, newly to give you a break. be sure to put away and get plenty of sleep, so your mind and body can find over this, do please take prudence

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So sorry for your loss!

Kevin C is correct on keeping track of the amount of pads you are using. Perhaps he is in the medical corral.but the info is correct. We all don't know how heaps weeks pregnant you might have be, but bleeding heavy for some time after is average. You can expect more blood flow when you stand if you were lay down and sometimes from sitting. This is normal.

From the loss of blood, your iron horizontal is down. You can take insertion iron vitamins and if you don't have them surrounded by the house, have someone shop for you and bring them to you. This will assistance from feeling lightheaded, and ingestion strawberries help your body break down the iron for your body to use it. You can also drink bannanas to help near lightheadedness. Drink plenty of water or fruit liquid to stay hydrated.

Do not use tampons at all beside the sad word, only pad. If the pads become soaked and call for changing at the rate of one per 15 minutes, it is an emergency and you must send for for an ambulance and get to a hospital ASAP. Do not try to drive yourself if this occures but it would be smart to beckon a neighbor to come until they arrive. Driving is never recommended for a few weeks. Check with your doctor to find out how long you should hang around for driving.

Do not take asprin as this lead to increased amounts of bleeding. You should not lift strapping objects such as a laundry basket or even push a vac around the house. Nothing is as crucial as you becoming well.

If you obtain fever or chills, you should telephone your doctor right away, but if his/her office is closed, walk to an emergency room for a check up. If you do head to a hospital, do not transport asprin, other meds, drink or eat until after you are here and seen by a doctor.

Helen I'm sure you will be fine and treat quickly! This down in the mouth time will pass too over time. Spending time in the company of the child you already own will help alleviate the sadness.

I longing you well and adjectives the best Helen.

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. My heart go out to you. I have experienced a miscarriage as in good health, a while ago, so I know what you're going through.

You are describing normal symptoms. They shouldn't final for too much longer. If you are still feeling this track, though, let's voice over the weekend, or become worse, I suggest a call to the doctor. An ultrasound should be done to engender sure that you don't have anymore tissue disappeared in the uterus, and a bloodtest should be done to put together sure that your HCG levels are going down.

If these test show that there is tissue disappeared or that your HCG levels aren't decreasing, afterwards a D&C may be required.

Hugs to you... I wish you ably.

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I am so impressively sorry for your loss. You may want to see this
when you're feeling up to it. Very, incredibly beautiful


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I found out I be pregnant on the 25th June which were a monday and me and my husband be overjoyed. Then the following thursday I started bleeding so went to hospital. They sent me home after reviewing my symptoms relating me to rest and to come back monday morning and they'll do a scan. I be horrified not knowing if everything was ok or not, thought the subsequent 3-4 days are going to be a big worry cause unnecessary stress. But on the saturday I started getting some really comfortable pains in my side so off again spinal column to hospital, this time they kept me in I be still bleeding and because of the pain they suspected ectopic pregnancy but I still have to wait to monday morning previously they would do a scan. Monday came still bleeding have a scan and told the were zilch in my womb, they did more blood test and the pregnancy hormone were dropping so I miscarried. I stopped bleeding a week then, overall I bleed for nearly two weeks. I'm just so numb beside how to feel its a horrible experience and I really do be aware of for you. take meticulousness.

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