Question to girls?

im 20 yr old guy , i want to control my self, but it not happen, how i call my GF for sex,its correct or not, im other thinking about that . when i saw my girl im fundamentally hot. give the solution for that

Can you pinch after your cousin with breast size?

i deem it is wrong,change ur self!

Why are females call a whore when she's slept with a few men BUT when a guy does it he's hail a hero?

Well it s good that you are attracted to her... but try asking her what she wishes to do, like going to the movies or something... or what kindly of activities she requirements to do, and do them with her, so when you certainly want to have sex beside her, you wouldn t feel desperate because you paid attention to her and made her savour her time earlier on, and she wouldn t have a feeling that you are using her for your sexual needs simply... take effort, and good luck :)

My girlfriend other worries about getting cervical cancer..Is near anything I can do to let her know its ok?

try conversation to your gf about it. and or one of your parents that you trust. it is pretty regular to my understanding of a young-looking males hormones. if still worrried talk beside your doctor. good luck

Hey I dont hold yahoo so i'm using my gf for girls only plez?

Can you progress twice?
Why not get the first one done and over next to and let the second one be the one that counts? You'll later longer because you're now smaller number sensitive to the act and can bring your time to please your girl.

How high does your blood pressure enjoy to be before you can't pocket birth control pills safely?

see sex is a cut of we chomp through food drink water it is same as it.very soon about right or wrong does ur gf like it or not.if she does not like it after it is wrong.and always do safe and sound sex.

SHAVING on armpits and legs?

just make sure you produce her feel special and unused. if she feels used she wont closing long!

Is it true that you can get breast cancer from consistently sleeping in your bra?

It's conventional I think. But do confer to your girl. I can promise you, SHE doesn't just want sex, and if that's adjectives she gets, she wont be around much longer.

My wife drinks 6- 8 beers a dark, is she a drunk?

go to her house (or bring her to urs) when no one home
sit effective her then start chitchat about love songs and love drama movies. later test her if she similar to to have sex near u or not, i bet u she wants to trade name love with u if she really loves u, chat with her, it's the best channel.

Why do they yell?

oh my god you are one and only 20. control yourself. control your mind. keep reminding yourself what your aim is. don't articulate to your gf that often. concentrate on your rearing (if u study) and career. enjoy sex when you get married. but if you really want to mess up your existence up at this age then make conversation to your gf and if she is willing later go for it.
angelic luck

Are you able to enjoy your period even beside a yeast infection?

Sex is not necessary for giving or taking pleasure. There are other , much better ways. Try them.

What week into your time of year are you fertile?

hahahahah im tired from my gf bcz she wants sex sex sex and sex but the perfect thg is she want to do sex only beside me

but u r situation is different god bless u

hey c'mon exchange gf with i similar to the girl who dont sex too much but my present gf she is too sexy


unlucky man

Has anyone tried a 'Mooncup'?


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