Why do they holler?

Why is it that when A girl's upset the guy feels the best path to deal near it is to yell at her?

My dad does it adjectives the time, and so do a bunch of other guys I know. If I'm upset about something or depressed, they screech at me?

ex. I had only just been to my first ancestral funeral, spoken at the funeral, and an hour after I lowerd my family bough in the ground my university call anc cancelled my application. And I got yell at. how's that honestly supposed to help?

Like do guys honestly infer yelling is going to engineer me feel that much better? Cuz adjectives it ever really does is upset me more

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This comes from sadistic men that KNOW they are worthless. If they see you within your weakest state (as in, upset, to where on earth you can't defend yourself), sadistic folks will try to take good thing of it. My advice? Talk rear. Even if you're upset, just give an account them to shut the hell up.

Is it dangerous?

i know how u have a feeling...
its such an odd phenomena (sp?)

whenever its that time of the month and i basically want to be left alone, my dad other yells at me!(why, i do not know!)

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I know the feeling and what you are going through....... I try to sit and speak with my boyfriend and adjectives he does is yell. I guess guys merely think they will win somewhere by yelling at woman.
But I believe all they try to do is hurt our mood and upset us more. keep your herald up girl!!

Please help! i involve help! i made a big mistake!?

you are right i notice that i dont feel pious when i yell plus it raise your blood pressure and it really doesnt accomplish anything i feel ineffective and abstracted i am working on an effective alternative

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It just shows they are rude and insensitive. You would be in your rights to articulate, "could you please speak up? i think the family 9 blocks from here missed some of that." I think you should show them a strong front even if you get the impression ghastly inside. Just tell them what you purely said here..."Is yelling at me going to carry out a different outcome?" They have poor manners and no populace skills. Hang in in attendance and remember they are the ones we should feel sorry for. They own no more social skills than a gorilla doing a chest thump. Keep your head up and be proud that you know how to continue your dignity.

Best wishes,


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