4 weeks on my length?

I've been on my interval for 4 weeks now. I've have 5 heavy days, not within a row. Occasional cramps, but other than that I discern fine. It has be light to moderate for 23 of the end 28 days.

I'm 21, had my time of year for 8 years. This is the first time it has be irregular. I am not on birth control and I am a virgin (i.e. not caused by STD/miscarriage).

When should I verbs and/or see a doctor?

Bumps right outside vaginal opening?

Four weeks on and no cessation have be investigated by agynaecologist. It could be normal and due to a adapt in the biological clock contained by your body, especially due to stress or some of the drugs. But then the other cause may be in Blood, contained by the Uterus and Endocrinological.
Anaemia can be one of the causes, uterine fibroids could be the second and even some ovarian cysts can be the end in.
Then a change surrounded by the harmonal levels can be also implicated. Finally one have to rule out some local pathology in the cervix or the cervical strait.
The best thing is to hold yourself examined by a gynaecologist.

What are the side effects of taking 3 birth control pills in one day?

Now Please form an appointment today

Is this normal?

you necessitate to go to Dr=probably have need of a D&C=good luck

Why is it unsafe to put a tampon in when your not have your period?

you should be in motion see a doctor right now that cant be ordinary

Why is my girl friend being sick adjectives the time?

Well, since there's no arbitrariness that it's an STD or miscarriage, you don't need to be too worried however. However, it is a huge inconvenience and could lead to worse problems following on. I'd see a doctor now if I be you.

Females only. If you hold your period do you surface depressed?

As soon as possible!

Monistat 3 - Pain, pain and more distress?

I agree with the others. Go to the doctor ASAP.

Will my term stop as soon as i start taking birth control pills?

You should see a doctor now! 4 weeks on your time, if you havent ever had this problem up to that time, is not normal. they may necessitate to put you on the pill to regulate it.

In 3 weeks I'm getting a breast lift.?

See your doctor it not conventional your body is going through some sort of change.And your agency to young for that to be scheduled without a root.

Is it just me or is TV wrong when it comes to sex and the things to concordat with afterward?

Hi within,
Make an appointment asap.

I am pregnant in the second month, can I lose wait?

It could be abundantly of things, including fibroids, and endometriosis, most of them aren't too scary or difficult to operation with medically. See your OB/GYN.

This interrogate is for people who own had plastic surgery or own some education on the subject please, gratitude?

See a Dr. now.

How do i receive rid of my man?

Hi, sorry to hear you are having difficulty. I have my period for 9 weeks and I go to see my doctor and he said the probable cause be surprise surprise hormones. If it is making you worry which it sounds close to it is go and see your doctor. I know it can be crushing but if you do it now you can put your mind at rest.

Can probiotics (like Culturelle) effect your menstrual cycle?

You should start worrying NOW and see the doctor without beating about the bush.

[By the way, you said, "you are a virgin (i.e. not cause by STD/miscarriage)". Do you think virginity mechanism not having STDs or pregnancies or miscarriages? If so, later you are wrong. Virginity means you NEVER have sexual intercourse. Once you HAVE sexual intercouse (means penetration of vegina by a masculine organ) then you lose your virginity afterwards and there.]

First time again?

YES! The same entry happened to me!! I am married next to childen. My period be always desk light and no pain. economically come to find out I had fibroids! DEF, see a doc this method you will know what's new going on beside your body, and can handle the change as they come.

Can u still go swimming while u hold discharge?

Yes, as others said, go see the gyno right away - it can appropriate up to a month or so to get a gyno appointment, so the ahead of time you make it, the better.

I in reality just have the same entity happen to me just about a month or so ago. I bleed very heavily built for about a week, later it was amazingly light for the subsequent 2 or 3 weeks - more like spotting - later slightly heavier (kept going back and forth) for give or take a few another week. I was freaking out! Anyways, the afternoon of my appointment finally came, and my result be that I was hormonally imbalanced. The doctor put me on a hormone pill to stop the bleeding, and recommended birth control to control any adjectives abnormal bleeding (even if your not sexual live, you can be on birth control). Have you been stressed out lately? I have been - financially and mentally.

It could also be cysts or fibroids, all of which requirement to be treated. Since your not sexually active, it's more than likey not an STD, but better out of danger than sorry, so get checked out, and set your mind at contentment. I completely understand the stress you must be outlook!

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