I am pregnant in the second month, can I lose wait?


I enjoy had 3 children, it seem my periods hold gotten heavier and the cramping worse.?

Under no circumstances should you diet while pregnant.

But you can become healthier and lose portly even while pregnant. I did it and kept both of us very respectable during it.

First off, start intake healthy calories. Talk to your OB almost how many calories you should be taking in every light of day. If the OB office have a nutritionist, use their services to set up a healthy banquet plan for you during your pregnancy.

For exercise, you'll have to have a word to your doctor. They know what kind of shape you are contained by and can recommend the best kind of exercise for you at this point.

It's possible, but take a lot of work and you want to be very thorough. Do not try to do it without doctor supervision. I did it, and weigh 20lbs less after I have my daughter then I did when I first get pregnant.

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I don't know just about wait.but I don't believe it would be a virtuous idea to lose counterweight!

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Well, if you're already pregnant, the logical course of events would be that you should GAIN weight. I guess you're of late self-centered and more worried about your appearance than you are the robustness of your child. Way to go. You're starting stale as a really good mother.

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It is never a good theory to diet during pregnancy, but especially in the first trimester, when vitamin deficiencies can organize to birth defects. You should consult your obstetrician for warning on this topic.

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genius!! you dont have need of to loose weight. it can affect your unborn childs growth! its run of the mill to gain weight during pregnancy! but if you arent trying and loose bulk then you should inform your doctor!

I havent had a term since i was 15 and im 17. whats wrong wit me?

You entail to elaborate somewhat more, can you lose weight planned. Why because you are overweight. Or are you saying that you are losing mass is that ok?

You really shouldn't lose weight while you are pregnant it is not robust. If you have any concerns give or take a few your weight you can chitchat to your health precision provider. They can suggest ways for you not to gain excessive weight during the remainder of the pregnancy. I would agree to them about a subject specifically so sensitive your doctor will know whats best for you and the baby!!

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congratulations girl...but the 1st three months of pregnancy are CRITICAL!! That is your infant's devloping stages At two months your baby is barley the size of a small bean. If you want to lose hang about you should wait until your your fourth or fifth month than slowly lose the lurk. Also based on your body fram it will also be knowledgeable to consult your doctor..good luck

What is arranged to me?

If you are concerned about man fit, the best answer is to talk near your doctor, eat a harmonize meal, no going overboard on the sweets, and do some exercises nought extreme just something simple close to walking... If you don't like the parks the best place to walk is walking around the mall or my favorite place walmart...

Don't believe of losing weight... As others said it is adjectives when you are pregnant and it is critical, just presume of being more well again and eating right okay?

Just thinking of losing freight can lead to a miscarrage (sorry for the spelling) I know from experience. So please bargain to your doctor.

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Your question is fairly ambiguous/vague, and there are a few ways that it could be interpreted.

Are you asking if it is okay to shift on a weight-losing diet/exercise program? Hmmm it's not a good concept to try dieting during pregnancy. If anything, you need to consume a great deal more calories to feed the embryo! You'll also want to consume a lot more food contained by general to ensure that you come by adequate amounts of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Exercise is accurate if it is cardio and things to keep you within good shape and to hold the blood flowing strong, but a lot of strenuous rigorous exercise would be discouraging, because it poses threat of harming the embryo...especially contained by the later stages of pregnancy. So if you're looking to turn on a very strict diet/exercise regimen for the purpose of losing drastic amounts of mass, I'd recommend against it. You can do that 7 months from now(LOL which at that time, you might lose some weight from adjectives the running back-n-forth that you may have to do to tend to the toddler!). Besides, it might be psychologically destructive to diet...in the subsequent couple of months, you will put on more weight and you might discern discouraged by this if it happens despite your diet pains.

HOWEVER, if you are looking to lose weight contained by the sense of trimming back extra pudge, such as by moderate clean exercise and/or cutting spinal column on junk food, I WOULD recommend that. It would be fit and beneficial for the embryo. Cardio is good, and so is taking brisk walk. Cut back on extra desserts and potato chips, but do NOT cut fund on protein-rich or vitamin-rich foods like vegetable lasagna.

Or, be you asking if it is likely that you'll (naturally) lose cargo in the 2nd month? Answer: possibly! I know of a few ethnic group that did not gain weight during the first trimester, but if anything, get slightly thinner. I do not know why this is, but it can probably be attributed to the drastically changing hormone level. It could also be linked to metabolism, or probably it was coincidental and related to liefstyle factors that have nothing to do near the pregnancy. Then I have another friend, who suddenly "blew up" around 2 clothing sizes one day out of the blue, and she be less than 3 months along. So it vary from person-to-person.

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yes just devour healthier fruits and veg

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