Strange Period?

Hi. I just get my 3rd period 2 days ago... and it be semi heavy and I be worried it was going to be indigestible when I went on my trip to Orlando today. But, to my surprise it stopped, completely. There be no blood nothing. I don't know why this happen though, was it due to stress? I wasnt that stressed out? But, can stress really basically stop my period?

Oh and another question- most ancestors say that when you've simply had your term for a short amount of time, its unregular. But mine has be on time- 35 or 36 days. Is this normal?

Oh and I am 13 (almost 14) and kinda underweight.

Answers:    resourcefully i have have my period since fourth class so it was irregular at first. My doctor say that it should be regular until about two years or smaller quantity. If your underweight just by a coupl of pounds it shouldn't affect you much but if your slouch WAY below your average weight consequently go see a doctor and describe him other than that period could last from 3 to 7 days if it stops suddenly i usually put on a wad incase it doesn't flow. A regular period should be something like every month.That happened to me once where on earth it stopped suddenly so i didn't use a pad and afterwards i felt a showery spot and my period continued for another two days. stress really affects everypart of your body...but we're fourteen and shouldn't hold no stress but that's just my assessment. good luck beside your periods. i'm fourteen so i know the passion.
Your period will probably give somebody a lift a lot longer than 3 months to become regular, so I really wouldn't verbs about it. And it should be commonly around 28 days apart, not 35. mine usually only last for 3 or 4 days too. its just your cycle. likelihood are, your period is regular for immediately, but every 4 or 5 months it will be late. i am 14 too, so its categorically normal.
I am pretty sure it is fine. It will nick some time in demand for your cycle and periods to become regular. This can lift 1 - 2 years.

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