Monistat 3 - Pain, pain and more strain?

Why would a manufacturer net a product that can cause so much anguish in some women?
Surely, anything is in the product and which cause the burning/stinging could be changed for some other ingredient? I am wondering what percentage of women have these tight symptoms after using Monistat 3?
Why don't they tell you what to do to stop the aching - rather than approaching me having three hours of burning hot distress in such a place on the body??
I am not a child but this pain should not be occurring.


Is it typical to have a low sex drive after ive have my period?

Monistat 3 should not make happen any pain. If you enjoy pain from using it stop it now! You may be one of the small percentage of women who will have an allergic recoil to the product.
I'm sure if you look on the box or in the pamphlet that come with it in attendance is a telephone number to hail as and address any concerns that you have.

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