Help me near my Gyno Decision?

I have be married in a small Indian town. I am have a severe itch problem in my vagin*al nouns and may need to see a doctor. I spoke to my husband and showed the private areas to my MIL and she checked it. She say that the place getting so red is bad and I shld walk to the family doctor who is treating everybody in our family connections.

The problem is that he is a man and is about 35 or so. I am response shame in showing my private areas to such a immature man that too who we know as family friend. Thinking that I will own to be exposed to him is totally shameful for my morals.

1. Should I tell my husband to be present during the time of undress?
2. Will he only look here or does he need to touch me as all right? Should I allow him to touch there?
3. Will I be capable of look at him in the eye after that (knowing he have seen me resembling that)?
4. Will he tell other men what he saw?

There are no feminine gyno in my town - the other odds is to go to an unknown man doctor (which is worse!)

My tampon hurts after a few mins. Is this fruitless?

1. if it makes you more conferable beside your husband there i would say aloud do it, there own been a couple times my husband have gone with me.

2.he will problem enjoy to touch you, I'm not sure but most do. might be embarrassing but yes you will, he can not report to other people it breaks the doctor tolerant code so you do not have to verbs about that

he is a professional so don't verbs he has see more than you so just relax, if i have a friend male/female i would rather run to them the a stranger. plus i have be to man and women doctor and have notice men tend to pick up on things that are not normal, one women doctor told me i be fine, but i went and get a second opinion and guess what here was a problem, so don't verbs and relax but bring your husband if it make you quality better, i hope i helped you well brought-up luck


(1) Presence of you hubby help you mentally. so long as he doesn't enjoy problem seeing you naked surrounded by front of another man

(2) He'll need to touch and most potential take sample. He should be wearing gloves though.

(3) It'll be uncomfortable if you attach too much emotion to it. Just think as his employment he has to watch/touch several a vagina everyday. He has probably lost interest in it long ago.

(4) I doubt awfully much. After all he is a doctor and have he ever told you anything about his other patients?

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