Yasmine contraceptive pill?

I just not long started using this pill and I am suffering from nausea, I don't know if it is related seeing as I had a bleak case of food poisoning on saturday and sunday but I am still nautious. I am merely wondering if anyone has have this experience with Yasmin


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This could be from your food poisoning, but nausea is also a adjectives side effect of Yasmin. However, I would still mention this to your doctor. Side effects can disappear once your body gets used to the pill, which usually take 2-3 months.

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i did hold that and it passed after a week or 2. stick with it for a while and see if it get better...

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Lots of women experience nausea when taking birth control. One method to avoid this is to take your pill at darkness. This way you're asleep and don't thought the nausea.

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i'm not on yasmin birht controll but i'm on another birth controll, and i never had nasuea. since you said you have food poisining since saturday and sunday just transport maylox or something for your stomach and that will help you, but i don't mull over that is the birthcontroll pill das doing it. after you nick maylox or something and if symptoms get worse later i suggest you go articulate to your doctor.

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I would recommend having a potassium plane drawn on a follow up appt. Yasmin contains drospirenone, which is a analog of spirolactone, a potassium sparing diuretic. It is possible for your potassium to get to giant. It is a minimal side effect in healthy inhabitants, but one that most practitioners do not check for.

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