What are some at home objects a girl can masturbate next to?

I normally use my hand but I want to try something else. And I cant buy anything because I dont want my parents to find out that I masturbate yet. I am 15 and I hold been masturbating for 3 years. Any sugguestions?

Pregnant after 72 hours?

technically n e entity could be up for grabs. merely start out small and make sure its verbs and that it wont hurt you. you can also get really small vibrators, if u enjoy a 18 yr old friend conceivably they can hook u up? jus make sure u hold it clean and covering it

I sweat everyday whether it's hot or cold outside;;please help!?

ive other heard of girls using bananas, but psyche try
a cucumber or carrot, its less risky of breakage. ive also hear of using a crayola marker. polite luck

Sex 2 weeks after delivery?

Masturbation Tips for Girls
If you're masturbating for the first time--or even if you're a seasoned pro--take a few moments to relax, heighten your senses and explore your body. Dim the lights, turn on some soft, sensual music, light a few candles and burn some incense. You may surface a little silly making adjectives these preparations just to hold sex with yourself, but try it at lowest once and see if you like it. Many women are surprised at their bodies' responses to a sensual environment.

Once the room is set, remove your clothes and recline on the bed or sofa. Make sure you're completely comfortable; try propping your elbows on a few pillows. Then set off to explore your body. Stroke your breasts, belly and thighs. Feel your skin raise into goosebumps as you become aroused by your own touch. Don't bestow an inch of skin unexplored: search out and touch adjectives the places on your body you don't consider to be "sexual," such as the backs of your knees, your underarms, the crevice between your vulva and inner thighs. You'll soon find out what turns you on.

When you're completely comfortable near your body, move your hands between your legs. If this is difficult or discomfited for you, start slow. Get out a hand mirror and a flashlight and look at yourself. Many women own never done this before and hold no idea what they look resembling. In order to touch completely comfortable masturbating, you need to work out your anatomy. Pull your labia apart and examine your clitoris and vaginal opening. Try stroking your clitoris and see what happens. As you become aroused, blood will flow to your clitoris, enlarge it and turning it a deep shade of red--much close to a man's erect penis. The sensitive skin below your clitoris, surrounding your vaginal opening, may become puckered, resembling the goosebumps on your arms and legs. Don't worry! It's a faultlessly natural response to arousal.

As you become more comfortable and aroused, set aside the mirror and flashlight and try to completely relax. Continue to stroke your clitoris, mons pubis and vaginal crack. Concentrate on the areas that feel the best. Once you are fully aroused, you'll most imagined become wet next to vaginal lubrication. Try inserting a finger or two and see how that feels. Some women relish penetration when masturbating, some don't. Neither agency is better. That's one of the joys of self-love--you can absorb in solitary the stimulation that you enjoy, nil more and nothing smaller number. You're in it for yourself alone. Try different types of stimulation and see what feel best. Or try a few of the following "advanced" moves:

With your thumb and forefinger on either side of your clitoris, placidly roll it between your fingers. Begin with a slow, kind roll and then little by little accelerate the movement until you find the speed that works for you.
Place two fingers directly on your clitoris and move them in a circular motion. Try varying speed and intensity.
"Draw" a circle around your clitoris next to your middle finger. Women who find direct clitoral pressure too intense will enjoy this move.
Try tracing the alphabet on your clitoris beside your index finger. This technique may not bring you to orgasm, but it might clue you in to some sensations otherwise undiscovered.
Use one hand to separate and hold apart your labia, fully exposing your clitoris. Dip the index finger from your other foot in some lubricant--from your body or from a bottle--and humanely tap your clitoris. Vary speed and intensity and be tolerant: as you tap harder and longer, a wonderful sensation will build until you touch like you're going to explode.
When you're aroused and lubricated, calmly thrust one or two fingers in and out of your vagina. Many women who believe they can only carry out orgasm through direct clitoral stimulation are surprised to find that penetration can also bring them to a rousing climax.
While stimulating your clitoris near one hand, try thrusting a few fingers into your vagina next to your other hand. The combination of clitoral and vaginal stimulation can be intensely exciting.
Try any of the above techniques while lying on your belly. Some women prefer the slight difference in stimulation and the placid "humping" motion they can make while enjoy this position.
Try stimulating your G-Spot: lie on your put money on with your knees raise and insert your middle finger into your vagina in an inverted "come hither" motion. About two inches into your vagina, on the wall closest to your stomach, you'll feel a spongy, slightly raise area. That's your G-Spot, also certain as your urethral sponge. Because the sensitive portion of this area is in fact on the other side of several layers of skin, it will respond best to pressure, not stroking. Try pressing your G-Spot near varying intensities. If you don't like it, simply stop doing it. G-Spot stimulation isn't for everyone. However, if you do like it, try simultaneously stroking your clitoris near your other hand. Rumor have it that orgasms produced by G-Spot stimulation can be very intense.
One rule to remember--regardless of the technique you prefer--is to be nice to yourself. Masturbation is for you; you are the individual person you obligation to worry more or less pleasing. Do what feels pious for you. Don't worry something like having an orgasm. With the multitude of gall endings contained by your vulva, you will enjoy the stimulation regardless of whether or not you come. Revel contained by the sensations you produce in your body.

Once you become more comfortable and experienced beside masturbation, you might want to try some props. Get a vibrator or dildo and some lubricant. Try a beginner anal plug while masturbating. Experiment beside different sensations: feathers, silk, warming grease. Get a few erotic novels, magazine or videos. Try masturbating in the shower, any with a impermeable sex toy, or with the "massage" setting on your handheld shower organizer. Some women also enjoy lying on their back in the tub and having dampen from the faucet drip or stream onto their clitorises. For more suggestions, buy a copy of "Sex for One" by Betty Dodson, or "For Yourself" by Lonnie Barbach. Both are written by women and filled beside wonderful ideas for increasing your self-pleasure.

Help, stores are closed and i have need of pads?

me and my girlfriend resembling to us corn on the cob, just boil it for 1 min to verbs it

*Girlz* PlZ Help!!!!!!!!!?

try a spoon, or maybe a butterknife, it won't cut i promise.

Are you suppost to enter your tampon slow or vigorous?

stick a knotted washcloth contained by yer butt and pet the kitty.

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