Pulling sensation contained by my lower belly...anyone own any philosophy to what it could be?

This morning, I began experiencing a painful pulling sensation contained by the lower left side of my abdomen; this is the first time I've ever experienced anything similar to this. If I press down on the area, I can actually grain muscle spasms. I'm at the end of my menstrual cycle, and it should be over in the subsequent day or two. I feel pretty confident that I am not pregnant as not single have my husband and I been responsible near our birth control methods, but I also have had no symptoms of pregnancy, and from what I get the message, a pulling sensation wouldn't be showing up so early anyway. However, never fear, I will be taking a theory test this evening just to be on the safe side.

To present some background, I have lower subsidise problems and a history of ovarian cysts.

If this is not gone by tomorrow, I'll be heading to the doctor. But in the meantime...any idea what this could be? Should I be worried in the region of another cyst? Thanks for your input!

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sure sounds to me like a cyst. Im going tommorow for my ct scan and have surgery on the 4th of june to enjoy one (olong with right ovary ) removed the size of a small basketball. It hurts pretty bad too. Good luck to you, progress see a doctor.

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