Pain after laproscopy?

i have have endometriosis since i first started my period, 10 years ago. i am 19 in a minute. i have have a laproscopy, been on every birth control possible and done everything my doc said. after my lap ending year he told me he could not get it adjectives because it was too wide. i need to know what else i can do, the headache is unbearable and everyday. if you know of ANYTHING please permit me know. i am on pain killer and do not want to depend on them until someone figures out what the hell to do for the discomfort. please please please let me know if here is anything else i can do.

Childbirth pain?

Have you be on Lupron or another GnRH Agonist. These medications put you contained by a medical menopause. You produce no estrogen and the endometrial implants regress. The standard treatment is 6 months but you can do it for longer next to add-back low dose estrogen. I did this it helped seriously. I still have cramps/pain but one and only with my term and the are controllable with medication. You could also hold a complete hysterectomy but you are only 19, be your tubes open on your nouns? Is your gynecologist a specialist in treating endometriosis, you might consider going to your nearest medical academy, they often enjoy Dr's with special interest in specific diseases.
Hope that be helpful

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I am not sure if this will comfort or if this is something that you haven't already done but I too have endometriosis and recently have a lap to relieve the spasm. My doc said he got alot of the adhesion but not all. Once I heal I realized I be still having great backache, pain during sex and newly general sharp slapdash pains. Exactly three weeks ago I had a uterine suspension. I'm still invigorating from it and probably will be for the next couple weeks but my doc say that this procedure should greatly alleviate my ongoing pain. If this is something your doc hasn't suggested or you haven't tried, it might be worth a shot. I know instinctively that after having so plentiful years of intense pain I be willing to try anything! Hope this help...

Women only please.?

On the issue of painkillers, you own a legitimate want for them so pls do not be afraid to use them. I would recommend a couple of things: 1. find another dr who has more experience next to treating endometriosis surgically (this gives the better uncertainty at attempting to have longer possession relief beside this disease) so that they can remove the deeper lesions, and 2. pls seize help from a Pain Management dr for your distress while you are trying to tend to finding another dr for your endometriosis.

As for Lupron and other medications similar to it they can sometimes be helpful but pls do your research, chitchat to those who have have good and desperate results with this drug so that you are conversant if the dr should suggest it. But I would recommend the other two options.

Also, if you enjoy just have this lap it can lift the body 6 months to get rid of the post-op twinge and tenderness because of adjectives the healing that still desires to go on inside. I have my 4th lap contained by June and it was to check the status of my endo. I don't know if I enjoy healed fully from that procedure even so b/c I've got another throbbing situation to contend with right in a minute so am in the middle of trying to integer out what caused it.

Feel better soon hun.

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What forms of BC enjoy you been on? Have you tried the Depo shot or Lupron shots? I enjoy done both. I have gotten the greatest nouns from the pain on the Lupron. I did the 6 months of Lupron and later switched to the Depo and was reaction much better. The pain be under control and it be awesome. I also use heating pad, and lots of pain meds on my bleak days mixed w/ Motrin.

GirlsI don't know how this works.?

Look into excision laparoscopy with a specialist who can if truth be told remove all disease from adjectives depths and locations. Here are some specialists:

Also try these sites for referrals to other specialists and support from others who grasp:

You do have option and don't have to suffer within pain silently and needlessly. Hopefully the above links will set you stale in the right direction. Good luck.

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What wonderful responses to your interrogate! I too have severe endometriosis and own had the laproscopy beside excision and caudery, but like yourself they be unable to remove it adjectives and I still have pretty a bit of trouble. I could not tolerate the Lupron or Depo and have found the most nouns with ibuprofen and the occasional narcotic, along near the heating wipe and trying to sleep through the worst of it! I imagine next to all the info you enjoy to check out now, hopefully you will find some back. Hang in at hand hon, good luck and god bless.

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