Period problems?

hiya im a 13 year old girl and own just started my period
i havent told anyone bit feel that i shoud can you please aid
me boost my confidence
thank you

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Having a time is nothing to be ashamed of, lots of girls start at your age.
Just agree to the people you want to know, know!
Especially your mum, it's not a big item it just resources your body is changing which is a great article......
Dont be embarassed! :)

Plz help me? (Girls with the sole purpose plz)?

can you talk to your mother or friends every girl go though it they will not be surpised trust me

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i know how you feel you should bring up to date your mum or grandma because they have be through this and know whats going on. dont worry ! xx

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I started when I be 11 and still in Junior institution and by the time I got to Secondary School and told my mate who were surprised that I started at 11 years and asked whether it hurts have periods. I replied 'not adjectives the time'. I didn't feel red. I felt glad I have that experience that I could share with them. My mum know before me as I have got up surrounded by the middle of the night to budge to the loo and went stern to bed and when I was woken up by my Mum relating me that I had started my period I was stunned. It's zilch th feel ashamed almost, every young woman go through it and I was even jumpy about buying ST's and paying for them at a till where on earth a man was serving. It's adjectives part of becoming a woman and growing up. DON'T WORRY ABOUT A THING!

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When I started mine I was contained by 6th grade and my mother be not there when I needed her. She didn't find out until the second month. I wish that I could have have some to talk to that hidden what was going on but I didn't. My suggestion to you would be that if your mother is there for you and will listen to you step talk to her you are a particularly lucky girl.

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Bless you! I remember being within the EXACT same situation when I was your age. I have to tell my Mum because I didn't own pocket money so I couldn't even buy sanitary towels! I was a bit worried going on for telling my Mum because I didn't know how she would counter but she was fairly cool and "normal" about it. I told her when she be cooking tea so that she was busy and wouldn't want to yap and yap for hours on downfall about the birds and the bees!!

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Oh man i remember going through this when i be your age...I just woke up one morning and did my usual routine, go to the restroom and i noticed a bunch of blood, i be sooo embarrassed and did not want to update anybody but i had to because as i be young i have no money to buy myself some pads...I told my mothers girlfriend and she go out and bought me some stuff and then told my mother, consequently it was over..It's not as discouraging as you think it's going to be trust me..Every woman go through it and you are not alone..It's nothing to be feeling guilty about...
Every girl probably feel a little abnormal about recitation someone when they first start, it is common...
So look at the bright side you are turning into a woman presently and being reliable is something you need to start worrying roughly..telling your parents roughly your period is the smaller quantity of your worries...
Good luck and congrads on your first period and the masses more to come:)

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Well you don't want to go around and share the world about your spell know one wants to here something like that kind of stuff. You could put in the picture your mom and your girl friends but that's about it.

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i have excactly the same problem as u when i started when i be 12! i was 2 embarasd 2 convey anyone but my mum found out luckily! don't do the same as i did - transmit someone you'll feel much better!


I am 24 year feeble women i got married a year ago i hold irregular periods since 5 or 6 years?

we are adjectives woman they dont mind,we talk more or less it at school,it's normall trust me,i started when i be 11 years old

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don't verbs about unfolding your mum or a relative close to you, they will be expecting this news know anyway I'm sure. adjectives as women go thru it, its nought to be ashamed off, it lately means your growing up and its nice to hold the support and someone to ask advice more or less tampons etc. Really glad you had confidence to ask this examine. Good luck sweet. You will be fine love.xxxx

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