Will I ever stop bleeding next to my mirena?

I have have my mirena since october and have monthly period and some spotty bleeding in between I be just wondering if it could move about away all together eventually?I sure do hope so my husband say he can feel the string during sex does it necessitate to be trimmed?I have not have any major complications and it have been great not have to remember a pill eveyday.

Answers:    Not all women stop to menstruate after being fitted near the Mirena nor is there a set time frame as to when you will see change to your cycle, if any. Actually only 20% of women stop getting their period so if your doctor told/promised you otherwise, he/she misinformed you. Those that don't stop menstruating, may simply see that it lasts smaller number days and/or it's lighter and other women will simply continue to menstruate beside no changes whatsoever. Not everyone react exactly the same to the Mirena.

As to the strings, if they're bothersome, you can enjoy them trimmed; contact your doctor.
I have it...I reason I am getting mine taking out.I have adjectives the side effects that go along next to it...had for 1year and almost 3 months. I enjoy a cyst on my ovary too which is painful and prolly from this. You will stop bleeding as much...I bleed for approaching 3 months after inserted...I love not having to remember it, but to much anguish.I hope it works for you!! You should deff. call your DR. in the region of the string and see what he says.AGAIN I HOPE IT WORKS FOR YOU!

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