How immature do you think I can procure a hysterectomy?

I want a hysterectomy, but the doctors say I'm too immature still and I'm 19 but the doctor told me ultimately that's what will need to come about.

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Where I'm from, if you have have no children and are under 30, you are not permitted to draw from one. If you have children and are lower than 30, you are able to obtain one.

I think it make sense as I wanted to go and get one. Now that I'm 30, I'm married and my husband wants children. So you could train up regretting it if you have one in a minute.

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You necessitate to clarify why you think you obligation a hysterectomy. What kinds of problems are you have?

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When they remove your uterus, they recurrently need to remove one, or both, of your ovaries. At your age, a doctor is not so inclined to want to put you on hormonal treatment for the rest of your life. I'm sorry that you inevitability to have this done. Good Luck

What should i expect?

Why will it ultimately obligation to happen - what is wrong? When is ultimately - within 2 years or 40? Having a hysterectomy is no joke. I have mine when I was 36 and enjoy had problems ever since - including precipitate menopause. Don't push it unless it's really necessary.

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From my explanation no matter whay the motivation they won't let you untill your 25, my grandma have cervical cancer & they wouldn't let her do it untill she be 25 so guess hwat she was doing on her 25th birthday? I don't know why but you might freshly ask.

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its either the hospitals poilicy to continue till a certain age or they are going to see what can be done just about the cancer first. Would you really want to go thought a through surgey and cancer treatment at the same time? I know the hospital surrounded by my area have a rule about when they will do them. After age 25 and/ or 3 kids. I know because my friend get one done there after have her 3rd and for other medical reasons too.

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unless you enjoy a good medical principle for a hyterectomy you are way too young at heart!

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I just turned 30 and hold to have one on Monday becuase of fibroids, polyps and cysts on my ovaries. My mother have one at 25 becuase of endometriosis. My doctor was reluctant to do mine though because of my age, as hers be too at the time. But, because of the circumstances and whereas the other treatment methods have poor for me, I am now competent to get one. I own been war the problems though since 97, have have multiple miscarriages and therefore no children.

Is in that any other way to find your tubes reverse with a reward plan?

one thing to hold in mind is that it will correct who you are. you will no longer have the parts that regulate your hormones. I hold a couple of friends whose wives have have them, and they say it really messes beside them. they have trunk mood swings, depression, sometimes anxiety. the hormones help, but it's said not ample. think this through in the past you decide to push for it.

if the issues you are have are not life threatening, your doctor will try to postpone it, for like reasons I tabled above. also, there is a piece called a biological clock. soon, you may decide that you would close to to have children, and it will be too past due. scarring in your uterus can be fixed, I've had friends who have it done so they could get pregnant. but you can't fix not have a uterus. think long and complex about whether you might want to enjoy a child later.

I'm wise saying all of this because after my second child, I have signed all the paperwork to hold my tubes tied, and my mom made me think something like that long and hard. I be only 24, and what would surface if five years down the road I wanted to own another child? or what if my marriage didn't work out, and I latter married someone who wanted a child next to me? I decided not to do it, and immediately I AM in a relationship where on earth we're talking just about having a child together. what if I have went ahead beside the tubal ligation? I wouldn't be able to hold children later if it's what I want. and that's something that will inevitability serious consideration. if you go through next to it, it's like adage "who wants kids anyway?" if you wish to have a child, you can other have it done afterwards.

I'm basically saying surmise it through. don't rush to your decision. it's your body, and I wouldn't want you to reckon I'm pushing you not to have it. only think something like all of your option. and choose what is right for you in the long run.

How should I chitchat to my um mom about my first term? >_<?

Just listen to the doctors. The later you acquire the operation the better off you will be, as after a hysterectomy nearby hormonal changes within your body, with mixed side effects.

So don't rush it. The doctors know what they are talking give or take a few. That's why you are called the forgiving, and the doctor is called the doctor.

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Because you are 19 and who knows what medical advance will be made in the subsequent 20 to 30 years (your possible childbearing years). Think about this vigilantly. A hysterectomy is not reversible and its painful. You'll be out of commission for in the region of 6 - 8 weeks AND some women still get mystery cramps if it not a full hysterectomy. If its a full hysterectomy, you'll enjoy to take hormones for the rest of your natural life. Mood swings out the wazoo, facial hair (ewww).
Just skulk a while.

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Simply because fertility medicine is incredible here day and age. I am 32 and hold had one child from IVF, and we are currently trying again using fertility drugs. Don't write it sour yet, you do not want to sooner or later wake up and enjoy regrets.

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