Ok freaking out! please please answer!?

ok well i of late answerd a question just about gardisl, well the grill had this article posted to it and i read it and it say gardisl can cause infertility!! wtf! my doctor pretty much made me take the shot and when i finish the series i read that! im so scared i want nil more but to be a mother and now i could hold harmed my chances adjectives becuase of a stupied shot i didnt want, im pretty much freaking out right now...is this true?


I hold just started taking the pill?

Take a step put a bet on, take a adjectives breath and CALM DOWN.

If you had read the article (which is greatly sensationalistic and biased, BTW), you would have read that it MAY be LINKED to infertility. This is to say aloud that the "watch group" have no definitive proof that it MIGHT cause infertility...its a moment ago one more piece of propaganda that THIS group is using to get hold of people to not use the medication.
Furthermore ANY vaccine - chicken pox, polio, measles, mumps, flu, etc - can rationale allergic reactions, which is what is described contained by the article you linked. Just because SOME folks experienced these side effects does NOT mean the drug is necessarily unsafe.

Frankly, have lived through cervical cancer and the emotional and physical devastation that occur from such a horrific disease, even knowing these POSSIBILITIES, I would have gotten the shot. Until you've lived through the horror of cancer, you can NEVER KNOW how go altering this method of protection might be.

A question in the region of condoms?

As long as you don't use it for a prolonged period of time, it should not produce you to be infertile. Just stop using it, since you now know around its side effects.

Breast pain!?

that most probable isnt true. i got that shot as capably & i know it hurts like hell. but researchers hold tested it for years. your doctor probably went over it near you. my doctor said that the only side effect is soreness of the injection site. so i outstandingly doubt that you wont be able to be a mother.

I expect wen you are on your period and u use tampex would it stop you from have kids when you older?

i hold never heard that since and ive read a lot almost it. your best bet is to call your doctor and ask. you could even hail as a couple doctors and see what they say

How do u use tampons?

go chat to your doctor and if it is true, sue him!

Help !! Y'all?

I hold had two of the three shots, and I haven't hear of that at all. I doubt it's true, but if I be you, I would definitely yak to your doctor.

Please helpp?

Talk to a doctor asap if you're that concerned!!

Do u agree that no 1 second passes on floor without at smallest 1 person conducting intercourse to a feminine?

Don't panic and don't believe everything you read. Check your fertility. It's done. it's a squander of time I think but it'll put this problem bringing up the rear you. Just remember though don't put all your dreams hopes and ambitions on becoming a mother. Some population never do even though they were told they could own children. What if you fell in love beside some one who couldn't have children...what later...I don't know if you have a boyfriend or someone you intend to hold children with so consider what I've in recent times said.

Is this normal?

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the vaccine be tested in over 11,000 girls (ages 9 to 26). These studies enjoy shown no serious side effects. The most common side effect is soreness at the injection site. CDC, working beside the FDA, will continue to monitor the sanctuary of the vaccine after it is in general use. The vaccine does not contain mercury, thimerosal or live virus (only late virus)
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Gardasil on June 8, 2006. Gardasil is currently available. The drug is also approved for use in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Croatia, Malaysia, Brazil, Serbia, and countries of the European Union.

One unknown property of the vaccines now being researched is their longevity. Since the studies hold been of short duration, it is unknown whether the vaccines will concluding just a few years or for much longer. Further study over time is required to answer this grill.
Another potential issue is that it is not known whether this vaccine have any long-term adverse side effects. Although it has undergone full FDA trials, some alarm that detrimental effects may not appear until years or decades after exposure.
According to the FDA and CDC, the vaccine has individual minor side effects, such as soreness around the injection area. The FDA and CDC consider the vaccine to be completely sheltered. It does not contain mercury, thimerosal or live or dead virus, lone virus-like particles, which cannot reproduce within the human body.

Where is it?

The chances of you experiencing fetility problems are FAR, FAR smaller number than the chances of you contracting the strains of HPV that can incentive cervical cancer. Relax; this vaccine is probably the best thing to appear for women's health within a long time.

What are girls physican/ check up like?

Read going on for it on the National Vaccine Information Center
Lots of information that hasn't been publicized. I be at the gynecologist today and opted to hang about a while longer to get the shot. http://www.nvic.org/diseases/hpv/hpvhome...

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