What is mean by abortion?

if the first babe of female is abortioned can she bestow another one?how does it do to any women or un married? is it completely removal of toddler? is she can own a toddler for subsequent time after abortion.........................

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I reflect you should own be abort.

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it medium 'infanticide.'


Yes she can enjoy another child next. It is removal of the infant.

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maybe this will explain it for you clearer :-)


pretty much an abortion is a termination, explanation its slaughter a fetus. duplicate pregent staus can be acheived again, but your self respect will never again return.

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An abortion involves getting rid of the newborn a women is carrying. If she have an abortion yes she can attain pregnant again and she can any choose to enjoy the little one or abort it again. It is a pretty gloomy piece though because the newborn didn't ask to be conceived and it didn't ask to be kill any.

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abortion is terminate the energy surrounded by the womb. As long as it is done professionally and surrounded by the first trimester, it doesn't incapacitate the woman physically and she will be capable of concieve and undergo children within adjectives. This is a primary argument for allowing medical abortions, it is safer.

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Yes she can enjoy another babe-in-arms, unless in attendance is problem during the abortion...near are risk

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ye she can hold another one, it is sucked out of her next to a vacuum, and ye the little one is removed completely, ok?

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It ability that the toddler to be precise currently inside her is treated close to a peice of trash. She decide that she doesnt want it for doesn`t matter what foundation so she have it's life span terminated. They turn inside of her, and snuff out the tot. She is competent to own children next on, but not for somewhat while because her body wants to alleviate. She get stale fine (physically), but the little one is DEAD.

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premature loss of a viable child is abortion.yes ,she can concieve to a second issue after a indisputable time of year ,no situation married or unmarried

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One word: Murder!

PLEASE anserew this question(LADIES ONLY)!?

There are some times when a fetus growing inside a woman must be abort. Sometimes they are medically defective--I hear roughly speaking a moment ago such a overnight case just this minute, contained by which a "pro-Life" woman have a defective pregnancy and if it wasn't abort it would enjoy kill her. So she become pro choice. It is never taken delicately, for anything reason it is considered. It is a markedly serious medical conclusion that should be vanished up to the woman and her physician ONLY, not subject to interference by any Big Government or by meddsome self righteous churches. Incidentally, it is interesting to information that abortion is not prohibited contained by the Bible, it is not even mentioned. Abortion is lately a political issue used by the right wing to gain their supporters out to vote so that they can start war and massacre actual living human beings.

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you can look in this site for more info


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Ahhh...bloodbath a living human human being. Do I stipulation to voice more? I've also see the heart of an unborn child hitting at 6 weeks out-of-date. Read this...

I have a...a dream the other dark.
I've never have a dream similar to it--
so profound, so troubling.
I...I woke up trembling, weepy.
In this dream,--I don't know if I can describe it--
I...I hear a child's voice, a babe-in-arms speaking to me
almost in a murmur, I suggest.
I could here her clearly,
full of primal seventh heaven at anyone just this minute alive.
I feel overwhelmingly that child's reverence and awe
at the discovery of its own existence,
and I shared contained by the excitement.
But afterwards I hear another voice, and another.
Soon here seem to be thousands, conceivably millions,
I couldn't count them,
All surrounded by varied stages of developement,
All grateful for natural life,
All singing impossible to tell apart urgent chorus,
one and the same avid plea.
And I realize that although adjectives those children
be already experiencing time,
Not one have however be born....

I'm one month out-of-date.
I'm outstandingly small.
I get the impression me growing every day
In this heat gloom place.
My heart is the biggest part of a set of me,
And it's spanking!
I'm so glad to be alive!
I'm remarkably glad to be alive.

Let me live!
Let me amble into the sunshine,
Let me live!
Feel my mother's arms around me,
Feel my father's love surround me,
Be a cut of God's creation.
Let me live!

I'm six weeks antiquated very soon,
And I've grown so much!
Look at me, I'm a half-inch long already!
I hold rather brain, and a big heart,
And eyes!
I can't see but, but I will,
Just present me time....

Let me live!
Let me wander into the sunshine,
Let me live!
Feel my mother's arms around me,
Feel my father's love surround me,
Be a sector of God's creation.
Let me live!

Fingers and toes,
My own mouth, my own mouth,
And I'm two months behind the times today!
My heart is trouncing in haste,
And I surface another heart,
Big and strong, somewhere...
All around me!
Is that my mother?

Let me live!
Let me hoof it into the sunshine,
Let me live!
Feel my mother's arms around me,
Feel my father's love surround me,
Be a cog of God's creation.
Let me live!

I'm three months old-fashioned immediately!
And my arms and legs hold concrete bones!
I'm growing, and kicking, too!
Can you consistency it?
I can turn my come first.
I can squint and frown
And manufacture a fist!
See, I can curl my toes!
And I assume my mother know I'm here!
I'm alive! I'm alive!

I woke up later,
and I know I be audible range something indisputable....
Thousands of unborn children
be singing to me from their mother's wombs!
And they're not a short time ago mindless bits of flesh.
They're human beings
already in touch next to their mothers,
near God, next to existence!
They deserve to live....

Let me live!
Let me stride into the sunshine,
Let me live!
Feel my mother's arms around me,
Feel my father's love surround me,
Be a chunk of God's creation.
Let me live!

Feel my father's love surround me,
Be a bit of God's creation.
Let me live....

I be once pregnant and have a miscarriage contained by Feb 28,07 they did not chafe me immediately I'm have stomach distress?

yes if the sex happen during the unsafe time the likelihood of conceiving again is nor ruled out.

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Aborption is the prematury interuption of the pregnancy. It may be colloquial or artificially inducted (medically). This is true back the 7th month (180 days). After explicitly no more aborption because the "adjectives child" start to live near his own organs.

There are several style to make a medical aborbtion but adjectives the ways work on the displacment of the embrion or fetus from the endometrium.

Before the 8th week within are no risks at adjectives for the woman
After it in that could be risk and involvment in the uterus or tummy.

For sue the woman may enjoy other children.

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abortion is impressively tramatizing to most women. years latter after the abortion a women can be tramatized. it is the butchery and removal of an unborn child at any time. it is ripping and tear a infant from the womb it tears the child into pieces. butchery a liveing individual its a horrible piece to own to live near for the rest of your natural life to know you kill your child. sometimes things jump wrong and the women may not know how to conceive again. some turn to drug or drinking to numb the guilt feel after the murder of their child some to replace the babe by have several but that one tiny newborn will never be replaced. consider adoption as an alternitive. murder shouldnt be an option ever when nearby are so oodles couples who want a kid and can incline one in good health. supply the babe a fortune to be loved and grow up. look for a mag call roughly issues and surrounded by it you will see pictures of abort babies and find out what the tissues and placenta is used for. cosmetics in one of the things placenta is used in. on lables look at ingredients. some times its human placenta from abort babies. its awful. i saw a pic once of a tiny little appendage clutching the umbilical cord while individual ripped from its mother. picture that the rest of your energy if you choose abortion over adoption

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means to eliminate a child....

Is this everyday? Details inside.?

what is money by abortion is taking a babe-in-arms time away because they dont eithrt want it, afford it, or any they own be raped. plentifully of ethnic group hold reason of abortions but its not right to give somebody a lift away someones energy. i am aganist abortions and if you chose to do so consequently you must enjoy it.

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MEDICALLY, Abortion mode termination of pregnancy, but the word is not other applied for the VOLUNTARY termiantion of pregnancy, Voluntary termination is characterized as MTP (Mediccal termination of pregnancy).
abortion may be sponteneous as due to malformation within the Uterus, Fetus and or the mismatch, apart from this trauma, disorientation and other diseases are responsible

Hence, surrounded by broad vocabulary the abortion is UNDESIRED Termination of pregnancy for mother NOTE: Mother does not want this type of termination while MTP is the self considered necessary termination POPULARLY MISNAMED as "ABORTION"

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Yes a woman can own children after termination of a pregnancy. Yes, it is complete removal of a fetus. It's a choice that adjectives women should hold the right to enjoy.

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abortion..... if simplified resources getting a pregnancy terminated. likelihood of other little one......... yes, but if it be a miscarriage you involve to consult your obstetrician.

Anyone who is on birth control (Lybrel preferably but superfluous?)?

sure. after pregnat grant accurate carefulness to her

Pregnancy assessment?

Termination of pregnancy.

Should i dread getting Pap Smears?

Abortion is horrible and should never be done!

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