What charitable of bladder problem could this be?
Ok, here's my symptoms.
1) Pain after peeing, not before or during, big-hearted of like a dull ache
2) Hard to control, really bleak urges to go to the bathroom. Usually I can hold it by using all of my muscle strength down nearby,but sometimes I a have accident.
Please help! Could this be an infection or something else? What in the order of incontinence? I'm only fourteen, I shouldn't enjoy this yet. Help looked-for urgently!
Please help! Cou
I'm 36 near no children, have not have a mens. in 20 years I want children what should I do.?
This could possibly be cystitis, which is a bladder infection. It is not unheard of at your age. You do call for to see a doctor about it, but surrounded by the meantime, try to drink alot of cranberry juice and dampen. Avoid sodas, tea, and coffee. There is a medicine to be precise available without prescription call Cystex, which doesn't cure the infection, but will help manufacture it less sensitive. Ask your parent to help establish if it is right for you to try. Be sure to wear a panty liner, as this medicine will turn your urine bright ginger. Also, always remember to wipe from the front towards the vertebrae when using the bathroom - this helps prevent bladder infections.
Sounds approaching a infection. This will only turn away with antibiotics. Because of your age I would say aloud you do not have a dropped bladder.
It sounds close to a urinary tract infection. You need to take in to see a doctor past it turns into a kidney infection. I doubt it's incontinence, but a symptom of the infection. I hope you feel better soon!
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It's a bladder infection. Go to the doctor! You can get really sick from this. They're really glib to treat too. They'll give you some pills and you'll be fine in a few days. You'll have to stay out of direct sunlight becauset he pills doesn't react resourcefully with the sun but you'll be fine.My dad get them and he didn't got to the doctor right away this final time and he had to stay surrounded by the hospital for 3 days.
sounds like a bladder infection. walk to the doctor. u will need an antibiotic. cranberry liquid and drinking water will aid to dilute the infection. when u call the doctor, it will lug a couple of days of antibiotics for the symptoms to go away. breed sure u finish your prescription. there are also pills that back to alleviate the pain and discomfort.
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you could have a bladder infection, progress to the dr and they will have you pee contained by a cup to determine if have bladder infection or if near is something else wrong w/your bladder or kidneysWhat should i do with saggy breasts?
Urinary incontinence may be cause by anatomic, physiologic, and/or pathologic factorsTwo primary bladder abnormalities can produce overactive bladder and urge urinary incontinence. The more common is detrusor instability, where patients have involuntary detrusor contractions that are nonneuropathic or of unknown kernel. There is no general consensus in relation to the cause of detrusor instability although both a myogenic and neurologic idea have be suggested
In addition to urge urinary incontinence, other urinary incontinence subtypes include stress, mixed (urge and stress), overflow, functional, and reflex incontinence. Stress incontinence is typified by involuntary loss of urine during coughing, sneezing, laughing, or during physical undertakings that increase intra-abdominal pressure. Mixed incontinence is not unusual, particularly within older women; roughly one symptom (either urge or stress incontinence) is predominant and more bothersome to the patient.
Overflow incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine as a result of an over distended bladder, which may crop up in cases of urinary snarl-up. When incontinence is caused by chronic impairment of physical and/or cognitive functioning, the residence "functional incontinence" is used. "Reflex incontinence" describes urine loss that occurs minus any warning or sensory awareness.
Teengirl: Because of your age, I don't conjecture it's because of a stroke or spinal cord lesions or MS. It might a short time ago be a simple case of Urinary tract infection (UTI); or cystitis which can produce incontinence and dysuria or painful micturation.
Try using a wipe. Make a schedule call on to the bathroom often. Drink closely of fluids and /or cranberry juice.
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u want serve go to doctor. u enjoy bludder infection, u should take antibiotics prescribed by doctor. if u don't pilfer antibiotics infection will go further up into kidneys. after u will be hospitalized. go give an account your mother about this probleminfection, cysts, or possibly even bladder or kidney stones, go to the doctor.