I have sex once after the first time and it still hurt and bled?

Okay, my boyfriend and i had sex ending monday for the first time. it hurt like hell but he manage. and the 3 next days i peed blood (described contained by another question i posted) and it go away. then yesterday we have sex again and it still hurt during missionary so we did another less painfull position. it hurt in the establishment but after it didnt. but when we were done i looked down and i be still bleeding..and this moring i woke up and i had to pee tangible bad but it hurt. but no blood
so..did the tissue rip again or not completely since the first time?

Question almost masturbation?

This can happen the first few times. Don't verbs. It is completely normal and eventually the sex won't hurt.

Am I average,underwieght ,or overweight?

He could be one too rough, or you're not properly lubricated.
If the less prickly position was doggy or from losing you could have what is call an inverted uterus which will often hurt women during sex except here position, there is nought wrong with it newly hurts a bit.

Remember just because you are not a virgin doesnt parsimonious that your body is acclined to having a penis within it just even so, he needs to be placid until you can handle it adjectives with mitigate.

Girls plz help i entail as much help as possible?

First of adjectives, How old are you? I'm guessing you're a youth,correct me if I'm wrong. I'm
not a Nurse just a mom. You will bleed and rip,
but that can adjectives depend on how gentle the partner is. I hope you both are using protection.
I'm not advocate premartial sex but you can buy some K-Y Jelly which does help the ripping.

Sex will be aching for the gal for a while. It could be your to young and your body isn't set for sex. The guy may be to rough, or not
giving your body time to relax in that area. There's seriously of variables when it comes to new
sex. If there is a vigour department you can go to I recommend you walk there.They can answer adjectives your questions,check you out if necessitate be. Give you both Birth control methods. Think smart,both of you. I hope you have someone
who is going to stick around. Please see the Health Department. I surmise it's free to teens.

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