Natural cure for a yeast infection that works swiftly?


It was so shy when i caught by that girl?

Eat greatly of yogurt with the helpful cultures in it.

I'm not sure how fast this will work, but besides that there are no other "at home", "natural" cures. They put up for sale things like Monistat or Vagisil for relatively inexpensively at any drug store and they should acquire rid of it in a few days, specifically probably your better option right very soon.

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wish I knew!

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seems to me that here is no natural cure that "works fast". Natural cures work, but they run their good ole time. Go to the pharmacy and carry rid of that in 3-6 days, at the present time they have prompt acting stuff and you don't need a prescription anymore. Monistat.

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Drink lots of cranberry and take yogurt will be beneficial for you. Practice of well-mannered hygiene also help. :)

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You can capture a plastic glove (like the kind at the Drs) and spoon some plain unsweetened yogart into the fingers after freeze them. Insert them into the problem area, they can cure the problem. They also do not hold to be frozen but it sure is hard to bring back the stuff in near otherwise unless you have a huge surrenge without the hypodermic of course.

Also garlic can give a hand, peal a clove and wipe it, then insert it approaching the yogart pops. Just don't lose it in at hand. (And warn hubby if he gos south that night)

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I know this sounds gross, but it works - raw garlic clove - pierce near a fork and insert - leave for up to 3 days... yes, you will smell resembling garlic, but garlic has anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties, and it works!
Plain Yogurt, inside and out - I wouldn't freeze it though - it is the right bacteria contained by yogurt that's needed.
Long term solution - yeast wishes sugar to grow - cut back or stop intake sugar - this includes white flour products, which turn to sugar in the body...

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There is some good info on this website

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there are pills you can attain OTC that are called acidophiles. also you can chomp through yogurt with the "alive cultures" in it. dry yourself completely when you take of the shower. do not wear tight clothes and since summer is coming up do not hang out surrounded by a wet swim suit. yeast and germs like to grow surrounded by dark moist places.

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Bluestar is right. Yogurt does work really good and really speedy. I use plain yogurt. I just smear a moment or two on suran wrap and apply it to my vagina. I leave it on for nearly 15 minutes. I do that about two to three times per daylight for about two days. That usually does the trick. You can do it as habitually as you need to untilll you no longer hold any discomfort. It is cheap and very influential.

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