How exact do you have to be when they speak you're supposed to take the birth control at impossible to tell apart time every day

I mean, can you be inwardly a couple hours range, or what?

Ladies, how older were you when you first go to the gynecologist?

Yes, it can be a couple hours off. The biggest reason they influence to take it one and the same time every day is so that you won't forget.

Does taking motrin shorten or get longer your periods?

Doctors prefer it to be taken inwardly one hour of the same time day after day. If you normally nick it at 6 am anywhere between 5 am and 7 am will do.

I have my spell but its not that time of month.?

Yes by all medium if u take it at bedtime and one dark your to bed at say 10pm pinch it , next darkness not till 2am take it next.If you do forget to take it and remember the subsequent day nick it as soon as you remember! then again that darkness.

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