Can you get herpes my sharing jeans next to someone?

can you get any STDs by shearing jeans or pant with someone else. can you receive herpes if you shear a shaving stick? can you get herpes or any STDs from the toilet?

Hairy armpits?

The solitary way to win an STD is by having sex, sharing a syringe for drugs, and blood transfusions. You can not get it from jeans, or toilet bowls. Yes sharing a blade you can pass blood and STD. Look up on smudge about STD you will see its solitary passed in three ways. Blood , Saliva , semen and vaginal secretion. Hope I helped.

I hold had my interval for about a 1 year and enjoy always have extreme cramps and vomiting?

you might from sharing a shaving stick but as for the toilet seat without a solution or sharing jeans

Im not on my period and it is not due but i get hold of stomach cramps sometimes?

you can not get any STDS from toilets
but herpes is singular shared on pubic parts like the vagina and penis ya you will take into custody herpes if you have sex beside someone who has herpes
im not sure but you may obtain herpes from a shaving stick it depends on where this character was shaving but never share if someone is shaving near pubic parts period you should not be sharing a shaving stick
no you cant win an STD from sharing pants but you can acquire infections from sharing pants next to someone who has an contagious infection

Light pink spotting for 2 weeks after interval started?

air kills it exceptionally quickly, in attendance pretty much has to be skin to skin contact



So tender?

No but you can obtain herpes from oral and intercourse sex

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