Embarrassing question...girls singular?

Is it possible that someone can be too tight to have sex? this is greatly embarrassing, but my bf can narrowly fit a finger up there. is this commonplace?

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If you can't insert a tampon any and not even a finger, could you have vaginismus? It is a condition where on earth your vaginal muscles clamp up involuntarily. It can be treated, though. You might want to see a doctor to check it out.

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Carolina ,
I presume anything is possible .

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you probably simply do not produce enough lubrication.. use KY or astroglide.. it will stir alot smoother.. you could also be tight cuz ur nervous

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u need to relax...thats adjectives.

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There is a condition that causes the vagina to be too tight. vaginismus.

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most of my gf's have that problem near me b/c I'm packing and python down there. KY jelly does wonders for you. You may be nervous too like someone said. Is he holding? Are you a virgin?


It adjectives depends on your body-if you've ever had sex before-or even used a tampon. If this is your first time for foreplay and never used a tampon or have sex before, you're going to be tight. And that's okay-very natural-you're body's made to adjust to have sex and foreplay-although at first it may hurt. Use lubercation and make sure your bf take it slow and he listens to you.

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Sorry I'm a guy but I have an experience involving this. Everyone is made differently and osme people are purely tighter. You need to streatch it out little by little everyday next to somehting cone shaped or your fingers.

Good luck.

Did the birth control pill Yaz do this to you?

I no alot of people are recitation you that you are to tense. But this is true. But this could also imply you guys are not ready for sex. Think more or less this for a while.

What could this be? PLEASE HELP!?

I think you a moment ago need to be long-suffering. I have be having sex for 6 years, and my husband still have trouble penetrating me. Maybe it's a sign you're unqualified to have sex.

Has anyone ever hear of this before?

if it is too tight the agree to hm just preserve trying to get his dick up here.that is what happen to my sis

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