How is it the particularly first time is it bleeding and bloody how is it would u share little bit going on for it ?

i really have no conception about it and am markedly curious to know .i would really apreciate your comentary.

Answers:    It's hard to answer question about have sex for the first time because it's so different for everyone.

My first time it hurt a little bit (not terrifically much) for about thirty second, and then I be fine, except for a some traces of blood for a couple of days.

In the end, though, your experience will depend upon the shape your hymen is surrounded by. The hymen is what often get torn when people own sex for the first time, and is the source of pain (it is designed to be torn, don't worry)

So some people experience no cramp because they don't have much of a hymen, or because they broke theirs doing sports, stretching, etc.
And on the other side of the coin in that are people that actulaly couldn't enjoy sex at all because it hurt so much until they go to a doctor and has their hymens surgically snipped. (This is VERY undercooked, I wouldn't worry nearly it. I'm just illustrate the variety of possibilities).

In writ to minimize any pain you might own, there are a quantity of things you can do.
The best way to kind your hymen rearing hurt less is to start putting your fingers (one or two) inside yourself and pushing at the sides of your vagina to stretch the first night in your hymen. You solely need to receive your fingers in a couple of inches to do this; (don't stretch so much that it hurts unless you want to break your hymen yourself; distinctly be careful that you don't reduce to rubble anything else.) Stretching make it so that your hymen won't have need of to tear as much to tolerate in a penis.

The merely other thing you should breed sure of is that you are really turned on; this will help your muscles be more open, (especially if you make sure to dance slow; the guy should only be getting inside a touch bit at a time as your muscles get equipped for it,) and it will also mean that you will be more drizzly. (If you find that you're genitals don't produce a lot of gooey even when youre turned on, use lube, and use a lot for your first time; this will serve a lot.)
the first time is hurting yes, but it is not that bloody. It's like you are getting your term and have cramps. And for me my hips and body be veeeeeryyyyyyyyyyy sore for a good week. essentially i couldn't walk for a week. My first time be not very tender or bloody for two reasons.

1) I be with a man who stretched me out for a while ahead of time by fingering. When we did enjoy sex he didn't just shove it in-- he slowly put it within according to what I felt similar to in the moment. Being contained by control of what is happening make a woman very comfortable and relaxed, and that make the vagina open up more.

2) I be on the third or forth day of my extent, so my vagina was easily a little open up. There was rather new blood, but it wasn't fruitless.

It is painful to try to be on top too hasty in your sex life-- walk with missionary for a while til sex become more comfy, and then enjoy fun trying all the positions.
no blood... if your really in place. no hurt!

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