What kind of food do women crave most during pregnancy?

and why do they crave these foods in particular? for instance if it have nutrients that her body needs, how does her mind know what food specifically if it's just a craving?

Birth Control Pill Question. Advice Please!?

near is no single food that a women craves during pregnancy.. each women is different.. when my mum be pregnant with me adjectives she wanted be potatoes.. with my sister Tomatos.. a friend of mine a moment ago craved Ice..

Its just something the body does due to adjectives the hormones around

Mirena IUD side effects ?

I would think its a chemical sensitivity to a loss of something that the body needs.sometimes however it is a short time ago a chemical response to something that is incomplete in your diet.

All I considered necessary was beef convulsive and orange crush soda near my first...
Subs with chips near the second
Chinese food with the 3rd.

Menstrual Cramps?

dont know, but I craved granny smith apples next to salt on them...lol

I necessitate help? Question roughly speaking the hymen?

It depends on the woman.

first timester: I craved sour patch kids, pepsi, and cranberry juice.

second trimester: steak tacos

third trimester: mongolian beef and steamed rice.

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