How hoary?.?

How old do you have an idea that a girl should be to wear a thong?

Ladies which do you prefer pads OR tampons? cuz so lots people enjoy different opinions?

When i be around 12 me and all my friends be able to wear thongs. i intuitively don't see what the big deal is, i expect it is just underwear. In my view they are WAY more comfy! :]

Where can i go and do mammogram for my Brest within Montreal, Canada?


Weight issue?

13 and up? I dont know.

Help plz serious answerz only!?

At most minuscule 15 or 16

What are the syptoms in your first tremester of pregnat?

I started when i be 12.Start whenever you are ready.

Why do dogs savour licking girl's privates and boy's privates?

it doesnt matter how out-of-date they are... what matters is that they wear proper jeans to cover their .

Thongs should NOT be see when bending over or sitting down.

no matter how outdated the girl.


Does anybody else have implanon entrench?

I don't think its a event of age, its more a matter of craze. If you are wearing tight pants or other clothing a thong donate you no panty line. Panty lines are not righteous. I personally can't reflect of any reason I would wear a thong but afterwards again I'm old and wear granny panties.

Why do girls going to seventh title get bigger?

i don't know, i be personally 12

Is it impossible to have sex at the age of 14?

I deem 16 is a good age.

Most of the ad I see for egg donors want a woman who is intelligent. Is it possible to donate your eggs if?

i know my sister does..shes 16

Bad period agony but no period?

15 and up..

Why did i enjoy to get post natal depression?

idk. 14. Maybe 15? Whenever you suggest is best.

Is it wrong to have sex next to my wife for more than two hours at a time?


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