HELP! Major ciggie craving!?

non smoker for six days this is getting HARD!!!


Can you get pregnant when on a coil /IUD?

Write on a paper 100 times- 'I will not smoke!'

Testosterone sound out?

Try sucking on a lolly. Otherwise brush your teeth. How gross is a smoke right after you brush your teeth?

Pains during sex..and after?

just be is all contained by your head at this point.

How do you switch from NuvaRing to the pill?

affix your oral requirements elsewhere! If you need, I will sacrifice for you! I enjoy something that might help, it's similar to an all daylight sucker...

5 days after monthy period?

I grain your pain. I quit for 3 months once (and after my grandfather passed away and it was too frozen not to smoke with everything that be going on). But the way I did be I saved one cigarette and put it contained by the top cupboard. And I kept telling mysekf, when I really entail it, its there. It help to know that I had that one cigarette to crash back on, but looking at it when I required to smoke it, I was competent to say "I dont stipulation it". Good luck!! I hope the best for you!!

Who is the female name cougar and does she look like.?

If you really want to quit, explain to others that you're trying to quit.
Tell them you are trying to overcome an addiction. Tell them you'd like give a hand. If you really want to quit, tell them that if they see you smoking and they really want to minister to, they should smack you across the face everytime they see you smoking. If you wallow in getting smacked across the face later you really don't want to quit. :)

What is a physical exam(thirteen years old)?

the nicotine should be out of your system by now. So that way working on the way you reckon, and where you want one the most. the second element is easy, stay away from the places where on earth you want one the most, The second is harder. What worked for me was to take inspirational phrases I could repeat, you know positive reinforcement, think of every + item coming from not smoking, wait a few minutes and the craving will run away. Have faith contained by yourself that you are now a non-smoker, and you can presently go places that smokers are humiliated in. anyway that's the belief. Good can do it.
blessed be

How do a girl feel when she is contained by her period?

get some gum it really really works.

I know what "plan B" is, but what is "plan C"?

Go for a wander, find something to play with, cook or bring something to eat but hold on to up the no smoking you have done it and you can do it!!

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