5 days after monthy extent?

Hey folks...is it possible for a woman to get pregnant 5-10 days aftyer her interval? My cycle changed a whole lot after my first child and its complex to keep up presently. My husband and I had sex approximately 6 days after my time, is it possible that I could be pregnant?


Are you thinking of getting breast implants?

Yes, it is possible. The first 5 days of your time are "safe" days, but after that, by day 6, you could have fertile trait cervical fluid (kinda like egg whites) mortal masked by the blood and the fluid can incubate the sperm for up to 5 days. It's unlikely, but it can happen. You can't win pregnant any time, and there are noticeably safe times to hold unprotected intercourse. It's for the responsible person and you enjoy to chart all your signs, but if you are interested, within is a great book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. It's more or less the Fertility Awareness Method (NOT the rhythm method) and if followed correctly has a similar pregnancy rate to the BC Pill. All it take is about 1-2 minutes a year to take your temp (depends on how long your thermometer take to read).

Is this something i should be concerned about?

It's possible to grasp pregnant at any time!!
Are you having symptoms!!
If you own any questions I'll be glad to serve!

When should my period come if I am on birthcontrol?

im pretty sure you can

What would come to pass if?

yes it is possible for a woman to get pregnant at anytime during her cycle, including during her term. A woman's cycle can become irregular and the woman not know it and that's all it take.

Why do my breasts hurt when i just finish my term?

depends on how quick your eggs come put money on with sex any things possible

Keep farting!?

if you still hold a uterus, it is always possible to bring pregnant. there is no "safe" time. heaps people try to kid themselves around this.

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