What could this be?

I've been notice that sometimes, I get this discharges from my vagina and they smell funny. I'm not sexually helpful, so i know it's not an STD or something like that, but I'm worried because I deliberate it's not something normal. Has something similar to this occured to any of you? Sometime I'm just sitting around
and next I go to the bathroom and near's this whiteish stuff
that smells weird. What could this be, and what can i do
to stop the discharges and the smell.

Yeast Infection Headaches?

Hey, its totally conventional. Its a hormonal thing. Same article happened to me. There is really nought you can do about the odor. It will ease as your body gets used to the hormonal change it is going through. All I can say is, if you're anxious about the odor, preserve a clean convert of undies with you and transfer them when you have the discharge. If you stipulation more info, talk to your gynecologist. If you don't hold one, tell your mom its time that you get one.

Low estrogen form of birth control OTHER than the pill?

You probably have a yeast infection. Its completely common. ALL women get them at one time or another. If this is the first time dont return with the over the counter stuff from the store - go to a doctor.

My ObGyn said she requests to talk to me around the endo. biopsy result?

That sounds like typical discharge. It keeps your vagina stout. You can't (and shouldn't) try to stop it. If it changes color/smeel, afterwards go to a doctor.

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