I am 19 i freight 55 Kilos and am about 155cm high?

Do you think i am margarine? I used to weigh 48 kilos and i looked like skin and bones, i am in a minute 55kilos and want to know what other people cogitate, so do you think this is hot or not?
Please dont be too strident. . .

Do Yams have a instinctively occuring hormone that helps women thru menopause?

I suppose its fine as long as you feel full-bodied

Did my partner cheat?

Try googleing "weight charts"

Ladies, I own a question just about the IUD.?

send me a pic and i will tell you the truth

Depo Provera shots, what do you have a sneaking suspicion that about them?

that's positively normal. at your altitude and age, it's medically recommended that a female be between 46 - 60 kgs. :)

I'm unnerved. maybe an infection?

there is something call the body mass index (BMI). it is an equation that takes your plane and weight and unsophisticatedly lets you know if your bulk is appropriate for your height. in that are several equations you can do but i looked it up online for you.

your BMI is 22.9. this falls in the "normal weight" category (18.5-24.9). "overweight" is a BMI greater than 25. so you're right give or take a few in the middle of "average weight", which is good because you can afford to gain a couple pounds (kilos) or lose a couple pounds (kilos). this is not a be adjectives end adjectives answer, BMI is fairly accurate and a suitable start to see where you're at but not as accurate as underwater weigh or other types of body fat measurements. i don't know if your mass is "hot" or not, but you need to be glad with yourself, not near what other people surmise of you.

by the way, when doing your previous solidity, your BMI is 20, which was still upright, but closer to the lower end of "fighting fit weight", close to being "underweight", which is not obedient.

besides for appearance, remember that it is important to stay lean contained by order to avoid getting different types of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and also different types of cancer! stay fit!

i hope this help you.

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