Late Period!!?

Why is my period postponed??
ok so i had my end period on january 4, feel ovulation commence on th 17th have sex on the 19th and started feeling pms around that time, beside sore breasts, bloating, white discharge, etc...
it's now the 13th of february and no extent but symptoms persist.and please don't bring up to date me stress, anything BUT! i know that a possibility but i just don't wanna hear that surrounded by the
what are the chances that i'm in reality pregnant?

Answers:    If your periods are usually in good time, then it is VERY possible you could be pregnant. It is typical for periods to be a few days behind or a few days early, but you are almost 2 weeks tardy. Not to scare you, but those symptoms you described comes along near pregnancy. Besides, right after a women's period, she is the most fertile. Go receive a test, and if it is positive, consider that it be meant to be. Sometimes things arise that seem similar to a total devastation to our lives, but actually, they are blessings surrounded by disguise. Babies are truly blessings from God. Good luck, and remember, whatever the outcome, it be meant.
ably if its the first year of your period or if u hav only just started its normal too hav iregular period even with the symptoms because i capture them, also id transport a pregnancy test only in satchel cos u can never be too sure

good luck

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