Do you agree abortion is murder?

In my opinion abortion is murder, whether the unborn is 1 week older or 1 month old, it still have a life.

I know in attendance are many who sincerely believe that limiting the right of abortion violate the freedom of choice of the individual. But if the unborn child is a living entity, then within are two individuals, each beside the right to life, autonomy and the pursuit of happiness...

I start discussion Repliva 21/7 . I realized that I gain solidity .. what is Repliva 21/7side effect?!!?

it is murder. you are killing an innocent child. even if you dont want it. distribute birth to it. then set it up for adoption.

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Nope. I could meticulousness less going on for the jumble of cells that harvest in your body when you get hold of pregnant. People say that abortion is horrible because they didn't ask to be banished from this world or w/e...I enunciate giving birth is evil because they didn't ask to be born into this world. And most of the abortion stories are false anyway.. How they perform abortions.. Are zilch like the online stories. Also in that is rape too. The woman has ample to go through near just the rape-she shouldn't enjoy to put up with somewhat rapists spawn.

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Definitely abortion is a murder of a person, who is not competent to anything, but it is useful contained by cases of congenital disorders, chromosomal disorders, rape, social background.

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It is not murder. It is my body and if I prefer to have an abortion, later I have the right. I chew over that women who use it as a form of birth control shouldnt do it, but if there are medical problems or if they mother is uncapable of parenting the child, next yea, it is perfectly fine. Yea I enjoy sex right now and I am lone 17 but I am not ready to hold and take supervision of a child. My parents had me when they be 17 and I've seen them struggle next to their lives because they had to put everything on hold when they have me. If a women decides to enjoy an abortion for a legitimate origin, then she should. People who speak its murder and immorale and blah blah, need to return with over themselves.

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You're getting rid of the newborn...therefore bloodbath it, which means it IS murder! I'm never going to gain an abortion!

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i would agree with you. but here are certain circumstances where on earth i would say that even so its ok to do it.
if you are against abortion, the exalted question arises. would you prefer the existence of the unborn over the life of the mother ?
what happen to women who have be raped, and are pregnant due to it ? would you rather articulate on top of everything that happen to them they face the burden of have and raising the child as capably ?
what about 14 or 15 year outdated children who get pregnant ? is it open-minded to expect them to go through it ? wont it affect their existence ?
if somebody threatened your life, would you to some extent let him live and offer your own life to do so ?
but adjectives cases may not be so extreme. i agree. but still its a personal choice that should be made by the mother.
are you a guy ? then you are never going to experience the pain/pleasure of childbirth or pregnancy.
you ll never know what it feel like to hold a life growing inside you. its an overwhelming sensation that cant be described in words. after adjectives this still if the mother does not want the child imagine how unpromising her situation must be.
stop being judgemental and try to see their point of landscape.

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no, ever flock. when a woman has a infant she gave it existence, and really take your propaganda somewhere else. we don't want it on answers.

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You confuse "life" and "humanity" near cell division. It is not a human child, nor does it even begin to resemble a human until very well past the risk-free point of abortion. In fact, it somewhat resembles a tadpole. It have no thoughts, no "heart" as we know it, and feels no distress because these cells haven't developed on the other hand.

Even if we ignore this historic point, there is still the thing of, as you said "the right to.libert and pursuit of happiness". Ask any child born "unwanted" to unprepared or uncaring parents what they deliberate they deserve. Being born to drug addict or impertinent parents effectively removes the "rights" you've decreed this "unborn child" -- if you carefulness to ask them now, 9 times out of 10 they'll need they'd never been born.

What's worse: damning a child to exist in need life, choice and any chance at bliss, or damning yourself by choosing not to go forward near the pregancy because you know you cannot offer these things to the child?

And don't even chitchat about adoption to "chirpy families". No one wants to adopt, hence why adjectives the "parentless" children waiting for a family. Foster homes are no better -- within my own town there are currently scandal of children dieing under the nurture of a foster parents -- and "boys schools" or "girls schools" -- well I could report to you some stories about that that would create even your foolish heart rethink your opinion.

How dare you suppose you know what's right for others. And how dare you be so openly hypocritical.

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if the little one was alive, similar to on life support, and you pulled the plug, it would be murder no business what the age of the human, so yeah i think it is murder. if its a human individual the minute it pops out its a human being past it pops out, but i agree that every situation is different, but its easier not to get pregnant than it is to grasp rid of it

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do you agree that washing your hand is murder. If your going to say that eliminate a group of cells that have the possibility of developing intelligence is murder, why limit it. You never give that bacteria a fortune to develop. Shame on you, it could have be the next Einstein.

As a personal choice, abortion is not right for me. I agree that, as a man, I grain shortchanged when it come to ultimately making that decision (but simply in the sense that I might want to keep hold of the child). Of course, I am not the one having to fetch and deliver the child. When I have that prospect, then conceivably I could have an equal influence.

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i agree with you

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It is murder.
I like to come up with it isn't my problem to argue about because I am a guy and hold never been contained by this situation.
I have agreed alot of girls who have have abortions and they never get over the guilt. They may hair it for awhile but it comes back to hide them many years after that. That's why I think it is murder because open down in their heart, every woman who has have one feels guilty and feel they have murdered their child. They wonder what he/she would hold looked like or be like to own around.

The girls who think it's okay haven't have one yet and as a result should talk to someone who have before they form an evaluation.

Anyone who has be pregnant and felt the newborn kicking knows it is a living human mortal inside of them.

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. I can't comment on if an abortion is murder...but I do believe that it is a woman's right to make that choice. I myself would to some extent see a woman have the procedure done to some extent than see the court system have to remove children from adults for laxity or abuse..not to mention if it isn't growing properly,or if the mothers condition is in difficulty,or in casing of rape/incest. I have see many incidents of this. Its another right anyone taken away from us as americans.

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Whether you feel abortion is murder or not is irrelevant. Because it's not your choice and not your business.

If you are a religious man and have a feeling that abortion is murder, then you should grain also that women who choose abortion will have to traffic with their choices contained by the afterlife when they are called beforehand G-d for final judgement. So don't bother trying to make nation feel guilty here on loam.

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