Pink discharge?

My period terminated awhile ago but for the past couple days I enjoy been have a very blond pink discharge. Usually after my period I enjoy a brown discharge (old blood etc etc...) but this is different. I'm not having any niggle or discomfort down there... so why is it pink? any thoughts?

.never Had first Period?

Did you progress you're birth control within the final year as some can take this long for your body to adjust.
It is not uncommon to hold spotting in between periods. prominently if it gets heavier and you hold pain or discomfort afterwards it may be a good opinion to consult your doctor

I have a bump on my breast?

hmm? nope

I have a coloposcopy done on Thrusday, it is Monday and I am still cramping and bleeding.?

If your not on birth control sounds like pregnancy implantation discharge

Having some trouble orgasming?

yeah im on birth control too. my doctor told me i'd own spotting or blood between periods. zilch to worry in the region of

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