Only 2 period in 6 months- what's going on? What should I net sure my doctor does?

I had a length on January 25, then not again until March 30th. Within that time, I go to my ob/gyn to rule out pregnancy. He said he "checked my levels" in incorporation to the pregnancy test, and they be "fine." Now, I have not gotten my length again 65 days later. I've be reading up and it sounds kind of fear-provoking. I was on the pill for 5 years and get regular periods. I go off the pill a year ago and have regular periods up until January. My husband and I would resembling to conceive, so I don't want to go support on the pill to regulate. Does anyone know what might be going on? I made a doctor's appointment. What should I expect from the doctor? What should I ask him?

Is it normal to consistency itchiness and burning after you shave your genital area?

Tell him to oral exam you for pollycystic ovarian disease. Look it up on the net. Sounds resembling thats what you have. Also stress could be the issue.

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