Cramps are Killing me..?

Does anyone know what stops period cramps save for pills? Does like banana's or chocolate? Someone please serve.


What do you do if you've been constipated for yesteryear 4 or 5 hours?but you have taken medication?

Try applying steam, like a heat pad.

Its taking my interval forever to start!?!?

lower back chafe,heating wad,pressure on the lower stomach,agressive ex.

When you are dehydrated, how can you enlighten?

Don't delete this answer, I'm not joking.. I know from girlfriends that cannabis is the best entry. If you dont smoke then net cakes next to it in- heat the green surrounded by the butter for half an hour short letting boil or burn!! Then make cake/fudge brownie as average.. And cancel any plans for the evening... Apparently Queen Victoria used to use it for this apology. Google it, I bet theres some in fo on its benefits!

What are the signs of a girl that have been raped?

camimoille tea
use an herbal don quai a week formerly periods
using aspirin would make the blood thinner and expire faster

How do u know if your hymen broke?

Food really will not help you cramps. I find that a hip bath or heating wipe often soothes my cramps. Try to relax and study a movie. If your cramps are bad adequate to interfere with institution, work, or any other activities, consequently you need to see a doctor who can perscribe you prescription for them.

Weight Gain and the pill?

warm blackberry wine 1/2 cup before bedtime... it help relax the muscles that cause cramping plus help build back nutrients lost during the blood loss.. moms outdated remedy but it works.

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    For doctors who know best or anyone please assistance!?

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