Can i enjoy sex after smear examination i did it today . i dont consistency discomfort or anything?


Please come. Female just!?

yes, just wait till you are out of the doctor's department.

Girl Problems!!?

Yes, you can have sex after a pap smear.

You can't have sex BEFORE one, though.

What does the word PCOS be a sign of?

Yes you deff. can. As long as it feel ok with you then it's clearly fine.

Do porn stars termination up beside anal weaken?

i don't see why not.

Is in attendance such a entry as estrogen pills?

yes u can!

Which of the following is TRUE in connection with Birth Control Pills (BCP's)?

I want 2 do something really freaky beside my husband!?
Songs to listen to when you enjoy a broken heart?
I stopped taking percs and vicodin after 1 month 10 a daylight and I be on dilaudid for times past 4 days I took my?
  • Hello.would lotion.??
  • Irregular period and unpromising cramps?

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