What kind of hormone pills can a womanly take to gain bigger breast,butt,hips,longer hair and nail &clear skin?


What plastic applicators are colored in tampon brands? What are the brands & have u ever see aqua/teal color?

That's the miracle pill - not yet invented

So tender?

I don't deliberate there is. Some ethnic group say birh control works rather but I can't say for sure. If you coiuld basically take pills to bring back bigger boobs, etc, there will be no plastic surgeons.

Why does my girlfriend itch her vagina?..is that what vagisil is for?

None! Love your self the instrument you are.

How do you tell a guy?

MSM is a sulfer supplement that can abet get your coat and nails to grow. It is right for your skin, too. As for the rest, I'm no doctor. I just know that in attendance are side effects from hormones.

Okay ladiesWhat's your favorite food?

for : fast food
mane: time?
skin: my adjectives over your face!
god! dont you know here is no such thing!?

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