Left one waay bigger than right?

my left boob is waay bigger than my right ita resembling a cup size bigger what do i do to get the other one to grow!

I enjoy very doomed to failure menstural cramp.. help!?

On average the gone is usually a bit bigger then the vanished (just like testicular size). It should symmetry itself out a little to look smaller quantity lopsided as your going through developmental stages. Don't worry in the region of it.

Is it normal?

well this is conventional in girls especally if you are a past due person contained by growing lol xxx i have same problem it shall grow its self

Why do periods/feminine products freak out men so much?

Rub lotion on it and suck ur nipples..

I'm two weeks slow taking my birth control. If I start up again today, when will my period start?

its totally everyday if you're a late bloomer so only just live with it. It'll even out when you capture older probably.

Being short and growing up?

first stale, I would see an OB/GYN doctor. they specialize in these types of things.it is possible that bc pills could even things out.but please phone call an OB/GYN doctor...i think that would be the best point you could do. I want to wish you the best of luck beside this situation...and may God bless and keep you past the worst and happy contained by your life

Will it expand the hole of her?

trey's way have like a .005% occasion of working, hes just a perv so dont listen to him

as for your problem, dawdle it out till your about 15 or so, and if it doesnt coem in half a cup size after ask a doctor for other means bar nature - if its not WITHIN A HALF CUP SIZE, afterwards they r probably problems

dotn forget, humans r NOT symmetrical, mosy of my left side is bigger than my right except my calf (right bigger than my left)

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