Best drug for menstrual cramps? Midol any better than Tylonel?

Which one is the best, or are they all pretty much like peas in a pod? Do different ones work in different ways and treat different symptoms?


How frequent times should you pee a day?

Midol have caffeine in it so you don't feel as groggy. Honestly, any one of them will get rid of the cramps.

How I can tighten my wife,s vagina ?

Check the ingredients but mostly one and the same. I have to thieve 3 xtra strength Tylenol.

Pains at such a young age?

Aleve knock the pain out RIGHT away!

Do they really work?

Midol is better than Tylenol but I usually purloin Motrin if I have any,. I other take double or triple the recommended roughly speaking when my cramps are really bad.

What are they made of!?

I swear by Pamprin. I have always help when nothing else will. If you hold to take adjectives day bring pamprin and in 4 hours take tylonel. Even when it's not that time pamprin works for lots problems.

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